The Institute of Environment works to discover and protect numerous species and landscapes from within the depths of our oceans through forests and grasslands to the vast expanse of our skies. We are committed to tackling many of today’s global environmental challenges such as food security, climate change and biodiversity loss. By uniting conservation leaders, students and researchers, the institute addresses not only basic biodiversity science, but also provides data driven solutions to the critical concerns driving species extinctions and ecosystem decline.

Our scientists are at the forefront of contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. We monitor biodiversity in remote global landscapes, develop new natural products and sustainable production systems, and work to conserve threatened species and habitats.

Christopher Baraloto, Director of the Land and Biodiversity Division

Related Programs

Our Institute's International Center for Tropical Botany and Agroecology Program explore and protect terrestrial organisms and ecosystems.

Agroecology Program

Our Agroecology Program integrates science-based education, research and outreach focusing on the interface of agriculture, natural ecosystems and urban development. It features specialized undergraduate agroecology courses, field trips, summer internships, graduate fellowships, and training workshops for university students and high school teachers.


International Center for Tropical Botany at The Kampong

Our center is the result of a partnership between FIU and the National Tropical Botanical Garden. We are headquartered at The Kampong, the historical estate of plant explorer Dr. David Fairchild and one of the National Tropical Botanical Garden's five sites, in Coconut Grove, Florida. We develop research, education and outreach programs related to tropical botany, integrating the research programs of a faculty with global presence in tropical regions.


Our work couldn't be done as effectively without the collaboration of our many partners, locally and across the world. We work with other universities, NGOs, non-profits, government organizations and even private citizens to ensure that the work being done to protect our planet is all-encompassing and universal.

Meet Our Partners