Southeast Acoustics Consortium

The Southeast Regional Acoustics Consortium (SEAC) is a working group that brings together academic institutions, federal and regional fisheries and environmental management agencies, and private industry that conduct acoustics research in the coastal environments of the U.S. from North Carolina to Texas and the U.S. Caribbean.

About SEAC

Active acoustics (i.e., fisheries sonar, echosounders) are integral to research and management of fishery stocks in Alaska, the Pacific Northwest and New England. Underwater acoustic sensors are also being deployed as part of integrated ocean observatories and energy development platforms (e.g., tidal and wind power facilities) in the mid-Atlantic and Pacific coasts.

Applications of active acoustics are less developed in the Southeast United States, Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean. The Southeast Regional Acoustics Consortium brings together stakeholders from academia, government and industry to advance this field.


  • To inventory activities, interest, expertise, and assets related to active acoustics
  • To inform regional managers and science leads on the state of the science and emerging acoustic technologies
  • To identify data gaps and management needs and the potential to fill those gaps using acoustic technologies
  • To encourage education and training through academic and research opportunities

The 2025 SEAC Workshop will be held at Gulf Coast State College in Panama City, FL on March 4-5. Please register and submit abstracts for poster presentations, 15 minute oral presentations, and/or 5 minute lightning talks by 11:59 pm on February 21, 2025.

Workshops & Reports

  • 2025 SEAC Workshop
    Dates: March 4-5, 2025
    Location: Gulf Coast State College, Panama City, FL
    David Demer, Ph.D.
    Plenary Speaker: David Demer, Ph.D.
    Senior Scientist for Surveys and Data Acquisitions at NOAA OST
    "Use of acoustics-trawl and acoustics-optical methods to modernize fishery-independent surveys."
    Join us for an update on active acoustics research in the southeast from academic, state, and federal scientists. Tech demonstrations will also be available from industry partners such as Kongsberg, Xylem, and Nortek.
    The goal of SEAC workshops is to grow a network of experts, practitioners, and data users to advance the use of acoustic technologies to address fisheries and ecosystem management challenges in the Southeast and Gulf continental shelf and US Caribbean.
    As with previous workshops, we are striving for a registration-free meeting and seeking contributions from agencies and partners to defray costs to participants. The workshop will include formal oral presentations (15min), student lightning talks (5min), a poster session, informal discussions, and demonstration of emerging acoustic technologies at the Panama City NOAA Lab's dock.
    Tentative Workshop Schedule:
    Tuesday, March 4: Plenary speech, oral presentations, poster sessions, lightning talks, and welcome social
    Wednesday, March 5: Additional presentations, hands-on demonstrations, and practical exercises
    Please ping Ben Binder ( or Allison White ( with additional questions.
  • 2022 SEAC Workshop
    The 2022 SEAC Workshop will be held at the Fish and Wildlife Research Institute in St. Petersburg, Florida on October 11-13. 

    The goal of SEAC workshops is to grow a network of experts, practitioners and data users to advance the use of acoustic technologies to address fisheries and ecosystem management challenges in the Southeast and Gulf continental shelf and US Caribbean.
    As with previous workshops, we are striving for a registration-free meeting and seeking contributions from agencies and partners to defray costs to participants. Invitations and calls for presentations are imminent, and will include formal presentations (15min), student lightning talks (5min), informal discussions, and demonstration of emerging sonar and passive acoustic sensors on the docks.
    For those looking into hotel accommodations, the three listed below are within walking distance or a short ride from the FWRI office.

    Tentative Workshop Schedule:

    Tuesday, Oct 11th:
    9:00-12:00 – Oral Presentations
    12:00-13:30 – Lunch and Posters
    13:30-17:00 – Lightning talks and Oral Presentations

    Wednesday, October 12th:
    9:00-12:00 – Oral Presentations and Industry Talks
    12:00-13:30 – Lunch
    13:30-17:00 – Dockside gear demos

    Thursday, October 13th:
    9:00-12:00 – Tentative software and gear demonstrations/ open forum discussions on where we are and where the field is heading.

    Accommodation Recommendations:

    COVID Safety Considerations:

    We will be following the FWRI safety practices currently in place. Masks are currently optional, hand sanitizers are distributed throughout the facility, and social distancing is recommended when possible.

    For those that would like to attend virtually, we are currently looking into telecasting options with FWRI, and all presentations will be recorded for later viewing. Please reach out to Ben Binder ( with additional questions, and check back for updates on telecasting options in the coming weeks.
    Register here for the 2022 SEAC workshop in St. Petersburg, FL

  • 2020 SEAC Workshop

    The 2020 SEAC Workshop and Forum was held at the Wildlife Research Institute in St. Petersburg, Florida on March 2-4. 

    The goal of SEAC workshops is to grow a network of experts, practitioners and data users to advance the use of acoustic technologies to address fisheries and ecosystem management challenges in the Southeast and Gulf continental shelf and US Caribbean. 

    As with previous workshops, we were striving for a registration-free meeting and seeking contributions from agencies and partners to defray costs to participants. Invitations and calls for presentations were sent early in 2020. The workshop included formal presentations and informal discussion and demonstration of emerging sonar and passive acoustic sensors. The workshop also coordinated training sessions for acoustic data processing by Echoview and other vendors.

    You can download the workshop agenda or get in touch with the planning team.

    The workshop planning team included:


  • 2016 SEAC Workshop

    In March 2016, more than 50 scientists and members of industry gathered at the Florida Fish and Wildlife Research Institute in St. Petersburg, Florida for presentations, discussions, and hands-on gear demonstrations, with research and technological innovation themes centered around the SEAC objectives. Two days of talks were kicked off by keynote speaker Steve Murawski, University of South Florida College of Marine Science. Live demonstrations occurred on the third day and featured several sonars, an autonomous vehicle, and a tour of the University of South Florida’s research vessel Weatherbird II.

    The SEAC remains thankful for broad support received from agencies, universities, and industry partners, including CSA Ocean Sciences, Echoview, Florida International University, Klein Associates, Kongsberg Maritime Simrad, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, North Carolina Sea Grant, QPS, and our hosts at the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.

    2016 Meeting Agenda

  • 2015 SEAC Report on Activities
  • 2014 SEAC Workshop

    In early April 2014, more than 50 scientists and members of industry gathered for presentations, discussion and hands-on acoustic gear demonstrations, with research and technological innovation themes centered around the SEAC objectives listed here. Two days of talks were kicked off by plenary speakers Richard Love, U.S. Naval Ocean Research and Development Activity, retired, and Alex DeRobertis, NOAA NMFS Alaska Fisheries Science Center. Live demonstrations occurred on the third day, and featured half a dozen manufacturers and vendors.

    The SEAC group is very thankful for broad support received from agencies, universities, and industry partners, as well as our hosts, Gulf Coast State College and the NOAA NMFS Panama City Lab.

    2014 SEAC Report

  • 2013 SEAC Report on Activities
  • 2012 SEAC Workshop

    A kick-off workshop and forum convened in March 2012 on the Florida International University campus in Miami, Florida. The workshop was a great success, with representation from federal, state and local agencies, academic scientists, and industry partners. The meeting consisted of presentations and discussion sessions aimed at highlighting the state-of-the-science, organized around SEAC objectives and resource management drivers.

    2012 Meeting Report
