Protecting South Florida Archeological Sites with Integrated Ecosystem Restoration

  • Title: Stabilize and Protect South Florida Archeological Sites with Integrated Ecosystem Restoration
  • Principal Investigator: Randall Parkinson
  • Funding Source: National Park Service
  • Timeline: Ongoing

Cultural resource sites are found throughout South Florida in a variety of environmental settings. These sites date to both colonial and pre-colonial times and are mostly found in close proximity to the coastline or are embedded in surrounding wetlands. As a consequence, these sites are vulnerable to the effects of accelerating sea level rise and anthropogenic climate change that will bring higher tides, more frequent strong hurricanes and increased erosion.

This five-year project was designed to quantify rates of shoreline change associated with contemporaneous wave and tide conditions at three high-priority sites located in Everglades National Park using high-resolution 3D scans and contemporaneous water level data collected during winter and summer conditions. Results will help inform resource managers on the level of future risk to these resources caused by climate change stressors.

Learn more about Everglades archaeological heritage.