From the tropics to polar waters — surface to the deep sea — there are more than 550 species of sharks playing diverse roles. A global study in Science, led by Florida International University  researchers and supported by the Shark Conservation Fund, reveals the many and diverse roles of sharks that are helping to keep our oceans healthy and what people can do to protect sharks.


Understanding when, how, and why sharks and rays might be critical to ecosystem structure, function and resilience is critical to marine conservation efforts. The relative importance of sharks and rays in maintaining healthy ecosystems varies considerably among species and habitat types.  In some situations, evidence suggests that healthy shark populations are important for maintaining ecosystem function and even enhancing resilience to disturbance. However, a critical role is not ubiquitous for sharks, and in many cases we lack the data to determine what the likely consequences of shark and ray declines might be. Much more work is needed to definitively make the link between loss of sharks and ecosystem disruption and to predict when and where it will be most pronounced.

Latest Research in Science

The groundbreaking synthesis by an international team of scientists reveals the important role sharks play in maintaining biodiversity and ecosystem health. The researchers compiled data from more than 100 studies of sharks and their ecosystems to reveal the integral roles sharks can play in maintaining ecosystem health, increasing resilience to climate change, and supporting coastal communities reliant on healthy marine ecosystems. It is important to note that not all studies show sharks are critical and not all species have equal impacts.

Empirical Studies of Ecosystem Effects of Sharks

Circled numbers in the infographic reference studies analyzed in the research. Arrow color indicates effect type; arrow tails (pointed, dashed or solid lines) indicate effect strength; and hatched and solid indicate inferred and empirical evidence. Effect size and strength of evidence were rated by the expert opinions of 30 investigators, scoring source paper metrics on a low-medium-high scale. Infographic designed by SayoStudio; vertebrate illustrations by Marc Dando.

Sharks in Action

Sharks support healthy ecosystems through their actions, with both direct and cascading effects. Our understanding of the mechanisms thorough which the loss of sharks might influence the health and stability of ecosystems is improving. Empirical evidence suggests the importance of sharks varies widely among species and among habitats. 

Regulating prey populations and changing behavior of prey

Moving important nutrients into coral reefs, coastlines and estuaries

Providing food for other predators including other sharks and killer whales

Serving as scratching posts, allowing fish to rub against their rough scales to remove parasites

Protecting seagrass and other marine plants from being overgrazed

Helping ecosystems be more resilient and recover more quickly to extreme climate events

Big sharks equal big impact

The largest sharks of some of the biggest species play an oversized role in healthy oceans. Sometimes their sheer size is enough to scare away prey that could overgraze seagrass that is the foundation of ecosystems. Other plant life needed for healthy oceans. Yet, the largest sharks of many of the biggest species are often the most negatively affected by fishing. 

Why might these roles be important to ecosystems?

The research reveals sharks may be especially important when preying upon longer-lived species, maintaining specialized diets of a limited number of prey species, or preying upon species that have their own important ecological roles. 

  • Direct predation on prey
    • There are few empirical data to support this mechanism for influencing prey population sizes, with the exception of some pinniped populations (although most appear unaffected by predation rates).
    • Some studies of reefs and time series analyses from fisheries suggest prey populations are lower when shark populations are greater, but these patterns often have alternative explanations or cannot partition an effect of shark predation from that by large teleosts; furthermore these correlations could be due to changes in shark predation rates combined with behavioral effects.
    • Recent studies suggest white shark predation on sea otters in areas where kelp cover is low likely is responsible for limiting range expansion by otters and kelp.White shark predation on otters, however, is not important in well-developed kelp forests.
    • Evidence for major cascading effects of shark loss in open oceans is relatively weak and may not be large because of similar roles played by large bony fish and rapid reproduction of prey taxa;but they could play roles we are not necessarily measuring or capturing in models like facilitating aerial predators or transporting nutrients.
    • The lack of current evidence does not preclude this as important in some locations or under certain conditions (e.g., periods of food stress for prey), but there are multiple studies suggesting that shark direct predation is not likely to affect prey population sizes in the systems where those studies occurred.While often considered top predators, the majority of elasmobranchs are mid-level predators and have diets and roles that likely overlap with large bony fishes reducing the probability of large effects on prey. 
  • Behavioral or physiological responses in prey
    • A large body of evidence shows that prey taxa – from small fish to marine mammals – change their behavior in response to risk from sharks, but the consequences for wider ecosystems is only documented in a few key locations so far.
    • In Shark Bay, Australia, a multi-decade study has shown pervasive effects of sharks on behavior of prey and that these behavioral effects cascade to the structure of seagrass communities and enhances resilience to climate disturbance; the presence of sharks facilitates the development of structurally complex seagrass meadows with high habitat value and sequestration of carbon;the generality of the Shark Bay study is unknown, but loss of tiger sharks combined with turtle population increases suggests that tiger sharks are a critical species in multiple situations.
    • On coral reefs, the presence of sharks may result in spatial variation in algal and coral cover based on the relative safety of different microhabitats; more studies of indirect effects of risk on reefs is needed.
  • Changing the behavior of competitors
    • There is growing evidence that sharks might influence populations of teleosts that are competitors on reefs.The consequences of these interactions more broadly is poorly known.
    • Sharks on reefs and in estuaries can feed in habitats that are distant from those where they spend considerable amounts of time.This means they can transport considerable amounts of nutrient and possibly fertilize the primary producers in the areas where they reside but do not forage.  While the links across habitats have been established the ecological importance of this nutrient transport is currently unclear.
  • Bioturbation
    • Elasmobranchs can excavate huge quantities of sand while feeding, but the ecological importance of sediment turnover is still poorly known.
  • Facilitating other species
    • While elasmobranchs may facilitate other taxa, (e.g. serving as parastite scratching posts for fish or protecting small fish by hunting big fish) the importance of these interactions is poorly known.
  • Providing food for others
    • Studies of predator diets have shown some where sharks or their relatives are critical prey items.Examples span from other sharks to killer whales.  In some situations, it is unclear if these predators would be able to switch to other prey sources successfully if elasmobranch prey were to decline.

Do healthy reefs need sharks?

The importance of sharks to the health of reefs remains hotly debated and data are not yet available to definitively answer the question, though some patterns are evident.

In some situations, like where reefs are not overly stressed, sharks appear to not influence the biomass and diversity of fish compared to environmental factors. However, the nature of risk-taking by energetically stressed animals might mask predation as a driver of this type of relationship.

Sharks have large impacts on the behavior of fish either as predators or competitors, but whether this cascades to affect corals or algae is unclear at a large-scale. However, grazers are known to reduce the abundance of algae in areas without sharks. This suggests the loss of sharks might lead to changes in the overall abundance of algae on reefs over time, but the effect may depend on the structure of the food web under sharks.


Sharks in trouble

Sharks can be found in all reaches of the oceans, from the deep seas to even the estuaries of the Everglades. The smallest shark — the dwarf lantern shark — grows to about 8 inches in length, while the biggest — the whale shark — can exceed 55 feet. Research shows different sharks play different roles, which means a variety of sharks are needed for healthy oceans. 

As the number of big sharks continues to plummet, their important roles in ocean health are also lost. These many and diverse contributions are under threat from overfishing, climate change, habitat loss, energy mining, shipping activities and more.

Warming waters amid climate change mean sharks will increasingly move towards the poles and towards deeper and cooler offshore waters. This could have cascading effects for sharks and their current ecosystems and increase people-shark interactions in some areas.




of shark species
are threatened
with extinction



of reefs no longer
have viable shark
The loss of sharks from ecosystems could have catastrophic consequences for our oceans.

Mike Heithaus, Principal Investigator and Executive Dean, FIU College of Arts, Sciences & Education


Meaningful shark conservation

In their analysis, FIU researchers are making a case for rethinking shark conservation. Protecting shark populations is no longer sufficient — conservation strategies must prioritize protecting the ecological roles of sharks. Local communities can help build support for predator conservation. Nations can build networks of large marine protected areas that encompass relevant portions of the areas individual sharks might roam. But more must be done.

  • Protected areas combined with quotas and restrictions on gear like longlines and gillnets outside MPAs can improve outcomes.

  • The right types of individuals should be prioritized in populations, including the largest individuals of the large predator species like tiger and white sharks.

  • Conservation strategies must account for shifts in ranges of sharks and their prey due to climate change.

  • Enacting comprehensive protections at national levels and prohibiting shark catch by commercial fisheries for the most threatened shark species can help restore populations.

The Scientists

  • Mike Heithaus
    Executive Dean and Marine Ecologist, Florida International University

    Mike Heithaus has spent his career studying the ecological role of sharks including two decades in Shark Bay, Australia. 
    As a marine ecologist, he specializes in predator-prey interactions and the ecological importance of sharks and other large marine species. He is on a mission to unlock the secrets of our oceans by deploying cutting-edge technology including drones and animal-borne cameras. Helping to shape shark and ocean conservation, his work in Shark Bay is the most detailed study of the ecological role of sharks in the world and has been used as the underpinning for affecting positive policy changes. 

    Sharing his passion for science, Heithaus has been involved in the production of more than 30 natural history documentaries, including many featured on National Geographic’s Shark Fest and Discovery’s Shark Week. He also hosted National Geographic's Crittercam television series. He has co-written two high school science textbooks and is an author on national K-8 science programs. 

    At FIU, he is the executive dean of the College of Arts, Sciences & Education and professor of Biological Sciences. He previously served as executive director of the School of Environment, Arts and Society and director of the Marine Sciences Program. He has authored or co-authored more than 200 peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters and co-edited five books on the biology of sharks and their relatives. 

    Heithaus is an Explorers Club fellow, member of the Science Advisory Committee for Pew Environment’s Global Shark Program, serves as the associate editor of Frontiers in Marine Science, and is an inaugural member of the Academy of Science, Engineering and Medicine of Florida board of directors. He also serves on the Zoo Miami Foundation Board of Directors and chairs the Education Committee. Prior to joining FIU, Heithaus was a scientist at Mote Marine Laboratory’s Center for Shark Research. He also worked with National Geographic’s Remote Imaging Department where he conducted studies using their Crittercam. He received a B.A. in Biology from Oberlin College in 1995 and completed his Ph.D. at Simon Fraser University in 2001.


  • Yannis Papastamatiou
    Shark Behavior Ecologist and Associate Professor, Florida International University

    With more than 100 research publications, Yannis Papastamatiou is one of the world’s leading shark behavioral ecologists. Papastamatiou’s use of new tag technologies on species ranging from pelagic oceanic whitetips to home-ranging reef sharks has advanced the field of predator ecology and led to evidence-based marine protected area zoning. His work has appeared on National Geographic and BBC. Papastamatiou has over 1,500 dives and is certified in most forms of scientific and technical diving. He is interested in the ecology of mesophotic reefs and in the use of technical diving for underwater exploration. A native of London, Papastamatiou has conducted research in California, Florida, Hawaii, South Africa, French Polynesia, Japan, Mexico and throughout the Mediterranean and Northern Pacific Ocean. He earned an undergraduate degree from the University of Southampton, master's from California State University, Long Beach and a Ph.D. in Zoology from the University of Hawaii at Manoa


  • Simon Dedman
    Postdoctoral Scientist, Florida International University

    Simon Dedman is a research scientist at Florida International University and 
    has spearheaded the use of machine learning tools for movement studies on sharks, rays, and tuna, authoring multiple papers on the drivers of animal movement, and developing two software packages which make it faster and easier for scientists to turn tracking data into results and management advice. His work helps us understand where animals go, when, and why; how species inhabit different areas based on sex and age; and what causes changes in population sizes. From working as the UK’s fisheries quota manager to his Ph.D. in spatial management of skates and rays in the Irish sea, Dedman has experience and a holistic understanding from hands-on shark tagging, to modeling, to management advice, to the management and the enforcement interface with the fishing industry. From London via academic appointments and industry roles in England, Scotland, Ireland, The Bahamas, and California, his ongoing work is to use causal models to reveal whether sharks are more crucial to coral reefs, or vice versa.

  • Jerry Moxley
    Postdoctoral Scientist, Florida International University

    Jerry Moxley is a conservation ecologist at Florida International Univeristy who specializes in studies on the abundance, movement, and behaviors of marine megafauna. Working with sharks and marine mammals, he examines how both direct and indirect species interactions influence the recovery of protected species and affect broader patterns of ecosystem recovery. On both east and west U.S. coasts, he has investigated how marine mammal interactions modulate the ecological importance of white sharks in food webs. This includes how direct non-trophic impacts on sea otters affected range expansion processes and interfered with refuging behavior, how predation risk influenced seal space use and movement, and how threatening killer whales induce dramatic behavioral responses in white sharks and redistributed their predation pressure. In his research, Dr. Moxley employs quantitative approaches with field-based tagging and monitoring programs to create integrative understandings about species recovery and ecosystem restoration. He received his Ph.D. in marine ecology and conservation from Duke University, and previously completed a post-doctoral fellowship at the Monterey Bay Aquarium.  


  • Co-Authors of Ecological roles and importance of sharks in the Anthropocene Ocean

    Matias Braccini, Western Australia Fisheries and Marine Research Laboratories

    Jennifer E. Caselle, Marine Science Institute, University of California, Santa Barbara

    Demian D. Chapman, Mote Marine Laboratory

    Joshua Eli Cinner, University of Sydney

    Erin M. Dillon, University of California, Santa Barbara and Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute

    Nicholas K. Dulvy, Simon Fraser University

    Ruth Elizabeth Dunn, Lancaster University and the Lyell Centre, Heriot-Watt University

    Mario Espinoza, Universidad de Costa Rica

    Alastair R. Harborne, Institute of Environment, Florida International University

    Euan S. Harvey, Curtin University

    Michelle R. Heupel, University of Tasmania and Australian Institute of Marine Science

    Charlie Huveneers, Flinders University

    Nicholas A.J. Graham, Lancaster University

    James T. Ketchum, MigraMar, Pelagios Kakunjá and Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas del Noroeste

    Natalie V. Klinard, Dalhousie University

    Alison A. Kock, Cape Research Center at South African National Parks and South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity

    Christopher G. Lowe, California State University, Long Beach

    M. Aaron MacNeil, Dalhousie University

    Elizabeth M.P. Madin, University of Hawai'i at Mānoa

    Douglas J. McCauley, University of California, Santa Barbara

    Mark Meekan, Australian Institute of Marine Science

    Amelia C. Meier, University of Hawai'i at Mānoa

    Colin A. Simpfendorfer, University of Tasmania and James Cook University

    M. Tim Tinker, University of California, Santa Cruz and U.S. Geological Survey

    Megan Winton, Atlantic White Shark Conservancy

    Aaron J. Wirsing, University of Washington


