
Refereed Publications, Book Chapters, Theses and Dissertations

*Publications resulting from Aquarius saturation projects
~Theses and dissertations

  • 2021

    Evans, J. S., López-Legentil, S., Pawlik, J. R., Turnbull, I. G., & Erwin, P. M. (2021). Molecular detection and microbiome differentiation of two cryptic lineages of giant barrel sponges from Conch Reef, Florida Keys. Coral Reefs, 1-13.

  • 2020

    Koutnik, A. P., Favre, M. E., Noboa, K., Sanchez-Gonzalez, M. A., Moss, S. E., Goubran, B., ... & D’Agostino, D. P. (2020). Human Adaptations to Multiday Saturation on NASA NEEMO. Frontiers in physiology11.

    Stokes, M. D., Leichter, J. J., & Wing, S. R. (2020). Spatial variations in the stable isotope composition of the benthic algae, Halimeda tuna, and implications for paleothermometry. Scientific Reports10(1), 1-14.

  • 2019

    Gantt, S.E., McMurray, S.E., Stubler A.D., Finelli, C.M., Pawlik, J.R., Erwin, P.M. 2019. Testing the relationship between microbiome composition and flux of carbon and nutrients in Caribbean coral reef sponges. Microbiome, 7: 124

  • 2018

    Bonthond, G., D.G. Merselis*, K.E. Dougan*, T. Graff, W. Todd, J.W. Fourqurean and M. Rodriguez-Lanetty. 2018. Inter-domain microbial diversity within the coral holobiont Siderastrea siderea from two depth habitatsPeer J 6:e4323. DOI: 10.7717/peerj.4323

    Deignan, L.K., Pawlik, J.R., Erwin, P.M.  2018. Agelas wasting syndrome alters prokaryotic symbiont communities of the Caribbean brown tube sponge, Agelas tubulata. Microbial Ecology, 76: 459-466. 

    Diegnan, L.K., J.R. Pawlik and S. Lopez-Legentil. 2018. Evidence for shifting genetic structure among Caribbean giant barrel sponges in the Florida Keys. Mar. Bio. 165: 106-115.

    Duran, A., L. Collado-Vides, L. Palma and D.E. Burkepile. 2018. Interactive effects of herbivory and substrate orientation on algal community dynamics on a coral reef. Mar. Bio. 165: 156.

    *Hoer, D.R., P.J. Gibson, J.P. Tommerdahl, N.L. Lindquist and C.S. Martens. 2018. Consumption of dissolved organic carbon by Caribbean reef sponges. Limnol. Oceanogr. 63: 337-351. 

    McMurray, S.E., Stubler, A.D., Erwin, P.M., Finelli, C.M., Pawlik, J.R. 2018. A test of the sponge-loop hypothesis for emergent Caribbean reef sponges. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 588: 1-14. DOI 10.3354/meps12466

    McMurray, S.E., J.R. Pawlik and C.M. Finelli. 2017. Demography alters carbon flux for a dominant benthic suspension feeder, the giant barrel sponge, on Conch Reef, Florida Keys. Functional Ecology 31: 2188-2198. DOI 10.1111/1365-2435.12908

  • 2017

    *Catano, L.B., M.B. Burton, K.M. Boswell and D.E. Burkepile. 2017. Predator identity and time of day interact to shape the risk-reward trade-off for herbivorous coral reef fishes. Oecologia 183:763-773.

    *Collado-Vides, L, A.Duran, E. Armenis, V. Cassano, D. Burkepile, A.A. Shantz, L. Palma, J. Diaz-Larrea, A. Senties and M. Toyota Fujii. 2017. Seasonal recruitment and survival strategies of Palisada cervicornis Comb. Nov. (Ceramiales, Rhodophyta) in coral reefs. J. Phycol. 53: 1087-1096.

    Marino, C., Pawlik, J.R., López-Legentil, S., Erwin, P.  2017. Latitudinal variation in the microbiome of the sponge Ircinia campana correlates with host haplotype but not anti-predatory chemical defense. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 565: 53-66.

    McMurray, S.E., J.R. Pawlik and C.M. Finelli. 2017. Demography alters carbon flux for a dominant benthic suspension feeder, the giant barrel sponge, on Conch Reef, Florida Keys. Functional Ecology 31: 2188-2198.

  • 2016

    Catano, L. B., Rojas, M. C., Malossi, R. J., Peters, J. R., Heithaus, M. R., Fourqurean, J. W., & Burkepile, D. E. (2016). Reefscapes of fear: predation risk and reef hetero-geneity interact to shape herbivore foraging behaviour. Journal of Animal Ecology, 85(1), 146-156.

    Deignan, L.K. Pawlik, J.R. 2016. Demographics of the Caribbean brown tube sponge Agelas tubulata on Conch Reef, Florida Keys, and a description of Agelas Wasting Syndrome (AWS). Proceedings of the 13th International Coral Reef Symposium, Honolulu: pp. 72-84.

    Marty, M.J., Blum, J.E., Pawlik, J.R.  2016. No accounting for taste: Palatability of variably defended Caribbean sponge species is unrelated to predator abundance. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 485: 57-64.

    McMurray, S.E., Z.I. Johnson, D.E.Hunt, J.R. Pawlik and C.M Finelli. 2016. Selective feeding by the giant barrel sponge enhances foraging efficiency. Limnol. Oceanogr. 61: 1271-1286.

    Wooster, M.K., Marty, M.J., Pawlik, J.R.  2016. Defense by association: Sponge-eating fishes alter the small scale distribution of Caribbean reef sponges. Marine Ecology, 38   DOI:10.1111/maec.12410

  • 2015

    Loh, T-L., S.E. McMurray, T.P. Henkel, J. Vicente and J.R. Pawlik. 2015. Indirect effects of overfishing on Caribbean reefs: sponges overgrow reef-building corals. PeerJ 3:e901; DOI 10.7717/peerj.901.

    McMurray, S.E., Finelli, C.M. and Pawlik, J.R. 2015. Population dynamics of giant barrel sponges on Florida coral reefs. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 473: 73-80  DOI: 10.1016/j.jembe.2015.08.007

    Puyana, M., Pawlik, J.R., Blum, J. and Fenical, W. 2015. Metabolite variability in Caribbean sponges of the genus Aplysina. Brazilian Journal of Pharmacognosy, 25: 592-5

  • 2014

    Deignan, L.K. and Pawlik, J.R. 2014. Perilous proximity: Does the Janzen-Connell hypothesis explain the distribution of giant barrel sponges on a Florida coral reef?. Coral Reefs, 34: 561-567.

    Henkel, T.H., and Pawlik, J.R. 2014. Cleaning mutualist or parasite?  Classifying the association between the brittlestar Ophiothrix lineata and the Caribbean reef sponge Callyspongia vaginalis. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 454: 42-58.

    *Johnston L, Miller M.W. 2014. Negative indirect effects of neighbors on an imperiled scleractinian coral. Coral Reefs 33:1047.

    Loh, T.-L., and Pawlik, J.R. 2014.  Chemical defenses and resource trade-offs structure sponge communities on Caribbean coral reefs. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 111: 4151-4156. 

    McMurray, S.E., Pawlik, J.R. and Finelli, C.M. 2014. Trait-mediated ecosystem impacts: How morphology and size affect pumping rates of the Caribbean giant barrel sponge. Aquatic Biology, 23: 1-13

  • 2013

    *Miller, A.M., and Pawlik, J.R. 2013. Do coral reef fish learn to avoid unpalatable prey using visual cues? Animal Behaviour, available online.

    *Pawlik, J.R., T-L Loh, S.E. McMurray and C.M. Finelli, 2013. Sponge communities on Caribbean coral reefs are structured by factors that are top-down, not bottom-up. PLOS ONE, May 8, 2013.

  • 2012

    *Forest, A.L., A.C. Trembanis and W.L. Todd. 2012. Ocean floor mapping as a precursor to space exploration. Mapping the Ocean, 7(2): 69-86.

    Kim K. 2012. Aspergillosis is a fungal disease of sea fans. In Tropical Connections: South Florida's marine environment. Kruczynski WL & PJ Fletcher (eds) University of Maryland IAN Press, Cambridge MD.

    *Loh, T.-L., and Pawlik, J.R. 2012. Specificity of larval settlement of the Caribbean Orange Icing Sponge Mycale laevis: A mutualistic response? Invertebrate Biology, 131: 155-164.

    *Loh, T.-L., and Pawlik, J.R. 2012. Friend or foe? No evidence that association with the sponge Mycale laevis provides a benefit to corals of the genus Montastraea. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 465: 111-117.

    *Long, J. D., & Hay, M. E. 2012. The impact of trait-mediated indirect interactions in marine communities.Trait-Mediated Indirect Interactions: Ecological and Evolutionary Perspectives, 47-68.

    Miller, S.L., Shinn, E.A. and Lidz, B.H. 2012. Corals are the building blocks of reefs. In Tropical Connections: South Florida's marine environment. Kruczynski WL & PJ Fletcher (eds) University of Maryland IAN Press, Cambridge MD

    Miller, S.L., Shinn, E.A. and Lidz, B.H. 2012. Geologists can observe the history of reef formation. In Tropical Connections: South Florida's marine environment. Kruczynski WL & PJ Fletcher (eds) University of Maryland IAN Press, Cambridge MD

    Miller, S.L. and Precht, W. 2012. Stressors to south Florida’s corals. In Tropical Connections: South Florida's marine environment. Kruczynski WL & PJ Fletcher (eds) University of Maryland IAN Press, Cambridge MD

    Miller, S.L. and Precht, W. 2012. Reefs of the future: A look into a crystal ball. In Tropical Connections: South Florida's marine environment. Kruczynski WL & PJ Fletcher (eds) University of Maryland IAN Press, Cambridge MD

    Miller, S.L., Precht, W. and Smith, R. 2012. Coral reef conservation and management must consider coral reproductive strategies. In Tropical Connections: South Florida's marine environment. Kruczynski WL & PJ Fletcher (eds) University of Maryland IAN Press, Cambridge MD

    Precht, W. and S.L. Miller. 2012. Coral reef conservation and management must acknowledge the era of global climate change. In Tropical Connections: South Florida's marine environment. Kruczynski WL & PJ Fletcher (eds) University of Maryland IAN Press, Cambridge MD.

    Precht, W.F., L.L. Precht, and Miller, S.L. 2012. Reefs of the Past: Key Largo Limestone lacks branching coral species. In Tropical Connections: South Florida's marine environment. Kruczynski WL & PJ Fletcher (eds) University of Maryland IAN Press, Cambridge MD

    Puntila, R.I., C.W. Martin and J.F. Valentine. 2012. Measuring predation with a new design of submersible chronographic timer. BMS 88(4).

    Williams, D. E., & Miller, M. W. 2012. Attributing mortality among drivers of population decline in Acropora palmata in the Florida Keys (USA).Coral Reefs,31(2), 369-382.

  • 2011

    *Angermeier H, Kamke J, Abdelmohsen UR, Krohne G, Pawlik JR, Lindquist N, Hentschel U. 2011. The pathology of Sponge Orange Band disease affecting the Caribbean barrel sponge Xestospongia muta. FEMS Microbiol Ecol. 75:218-230

    *Beattie AJ, ME Hay, B Magnusson, R de Nys, J Smeathers, JFV Vincent. 2011. Ecology and bioprospecting. Austral Ecology 36, 341-356 (DOI: 10.1111/j.1442-9993.2010.02170.x

    *Burkepile DE and ME Hay. 2011. Feeding complementarity versus redundancy among herbivorous fishes on a Caribbean reef. Coral Reefs 30: 351-362. DOI 10.1007/s00338-011-0726-6

    Carlo, J.M., Barbeitos, M.S., Lasker, H.R. 2011. Quantifying complex shapes: elliptical fourier analysis of octocoral sclerites. Biological Bulletin 220:224-237.

    Chiappone M, Rutten LM, Swanson DW, Miller SL. 2009. Population status of the urchin Diadema antillarum in the Florida Keys 25 years after the Caribbean mass mortality. Proceedings of the 11th International Coral Reef Symposium, Ft. Lauderdale: 706-710.

    Crandall, J. and Teece, M. A. 2011. Urea is a dynamic pool of bioavailable nitrogen in coral reefs. Coral Reefs (published online 30 October 2011).

    *Davis, K.A. and S.G. Monismith. 2011. The modification of bottom boundary layer turbulence and mixing by internal waves shoaling on a barrier reef. American Meteorological Society, Nov 2001, pp 2223-2241.

    Hallock, P. 2011. Modern coral reefs under global change: New opportunities to understand carbonate depositional hiatuses. In Stanley, G.D., Jr. (ed), Corals and Reefs: Crises, Collapse and Change, The Paleontological Society Papers, 17:121-130.

    Hallock, P. 2011. FORAM Index. In D. Hopley (ed.), Encyclopedia of Modern Coral Reefs, Springer, Heidelberg, p. 415.

    Hallock, P. 2011. Foraminifera. In D. Hopley (ed.), Encyclopedia of Modern Coral Reefs, Springer, Heidelberg, p. 416.

    Hallock, P. 2011. Foraminifera are useful indicators of environmental conditions of coral reefs. In W.L. Kruczynski and P. J. Fletcher (eds) 2011. Tropical Connections: Facts about south Florida’s marine environment. IAN Press, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, Cambridge, Maryland. p. 204.

    *Hay ME. 2011. Crustaceans as powerful models in aquatic chemical ecology. Pages 41-62 in: Thomas Breithaupt & Martin Thiel (eds.) Chemical Communications in Crustaceans. Springer Science+Business Media LCC, New York.

    *Hay, M.E. and C. Kicklighter. 2011. Grazing, effects of. Encyclopedia of Biodoversity, Volume 3, pages 265-276. Academic Press, San Diego, CA.

    Koukousioura, O., Dimiza, M.D., Triantaphyllou, M.V., and Hallock, P. 2011. Living benthic foraminifera as an environmental proxy in coastal ecosystems: A case study from the Aegean Sea (Greece, NE Mediterranean). Journal of Marine Systems 88:489-501.

    ~Stephenson, C.M. 2011. Foraminiferal Assemblages on Sediments and Reef Rubble at Conch Reef, Florida USA. Master's Thesis, Marine Science, Univ. South Florida, Tampa, FL.

    *Stokes MD, Leichter JJ, Wing S, and Frew R. 2011. Temperature variability and algal isotopic heterogeneity on a Floridian coral reef. Mar. Ecol. (2011): 1-16

    ~Swanson, DW. 2011. Spatial Dynamics of Coral Populations in the Florida Keys. U of Miami. Open Access Dissertations.

    Teece, M.A., B. Estes, E. Gelsleichter, and D. Lirman. 2011. Heterotrophic and autotrophic assimilation of fatty acids by two Scleractinian corals, Montastraea faveolata and Porites astreoides. Limnology and Oceanography 56:1285-1296.

    Walker, R., Hallock, P., Torres, J.J., Vargo, G.A. 2011. Photosynthesis and respiration in five species of benthic foraminifera that host algal endosymbionts. Journal of Foraminiferal Research. 41(4):314-325.

    ~Wallace, A.L. 2011. Dynamics of Stony Coral Assemblages on Patch Reefs of the Upper Florida Reef Tract, Including Biscayne National Park. Master's Thesis, Marine Science, Univ. South Florida, Tampa, FL.

    ~Wirt, K. 2011. Potential Habitat of Acropora spp. on Florida Reefs. Master's Thesis, Marine Science, Univ. South Florida, Tampa, FL.

    Zan, J., C. Fuqua and R.T. Hill. 2011. Diversity and functional analysis of luxS genes in Vibrio from marine sponges Mycale laxissima and Ircinia strobilina. ISME (2011): 1-12.

  • 2010

    *Reefs of the future -- Random Sample 2010. Science, 327: 253.

    Baker DM, KL Webster and K Kim. 2010. Caribbean octocorals record changing carbon and nitrogen sources from 1862-2005. Global Change Biology 16: 2701-2710.

    *Baums IB, Johnson ME, Devlin-Durante MK, Miller MW. 2010. Host population genetic structure and zooxanthellae diversity of two reef-building coral species along the Florida Reef Tract and wider Caribbean. Coral Reefs 29:835-842.

    *Burkepile DE and ME Hay. 2010. Impact of herbivore identity on algal succession and coral growth on a Caribbean reef. PLoS ONE 5(1): e8963. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0008963

    *Hay ME and DB Rasher. 2010. Coral reefs in crisis: reversing the biotic death spiral. F1000 Biology Reports 2010, 2:71

    *Hay ME and DB Rasher. 2010. Corals in crisis. The Scientist 24(8) 42-46

    *Hench, J. L., & Rosman, J. H. 2010. Analysis of bottom-track and compass error in a self-contained acoustic doppler diver navigation console. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology,27(7), 1229-1238.

    *Leong, W. and Pawlik, J.R. 2010. Evidence of a resource trade-off between growth and chemical defenses among Caribbean coral reef sponges. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 406: 71-78.

    *Leong, W. and Pawlik, J.R. 2010. Fragments or propagules? Reproductive trade-offs among Callyspongia spp. from Florida coral reefs. Oikos, 119: 1417-1422.

    *López-Legentil, S., Henkel, T.P., Erwin, P.M., Loh, T.-L., and Pawlik, J.R. 2010. Phenotypic plasticity in the Caribbean sponge Callyspongia vaginalis (Porifera: Haplosclerida). Scientia Marina, 74: 445-453.

    *López-Legentil, S., Erwin, P.M., Pawlik, J.R., and Song, B.K. 2010. Effects of sponge bleaching on ammonia oxidizing Archaea: Distribution and relative expression of ammonia monooxygenase genes associated with the barrel sponge Xestospongia muta. Microbial Ecology, 60: 561-571.

    *McMurray, S.E., Henkel, T.P., and Pawlik, J.R. 2010. Demographics of increasing populations of the giant barrel sponge Xestospongia muta in the Florida Keys. Ecology, 91:560-570

    *McMurray, S.E. , Henkel, T.P. , and Pawlik, J.R. 2010. Demographics of increasing populations of the giant barrel sponge Xestospongia muta in the Florida Keys. Ecological Archives, E091-040-A1-A10

    *Monismith, S. G., K. A. Davis, G. G. Shellenbarger, J. L. Hench, N. J. Nidzieko, A. E. Santoro., M. A. Reidenbach, J. H. Rosman, R. Holtzman, C. S. Martens, N. L. Lindquist, M. W. Southwell, and A. Genin. 2010. Flow effects on benthic grazing on phytoplankton by a Caribbean reef. Limnol. Oceanogr. 55:1881-1892.

    *Morinaka, B., Pawlik, J.R.,and Molinski, T.F. 2010. Amaranzoles B-F, imidazole-2-carboxy steroids from the marine sponge Phorbas amaranthus. C24-N- and C24-O-analogues from a divergent oxidative biosynthesis. Journal of Organic Chemistry, 75: 2453-2460. Cover article!

    Narayan YR; Pandolfi J M. 2010. Benthic foraminiferal assemblages from Moreton Bay, South-East Queensland, Australia: Applications in monitoring water and substrate quality in subtropical estuarine environments. MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN 60 (11): 2062-2078. DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2010.07.012


    *Rasher DB and ME Hay. 2010. Seaweed allelopathy degrades the resilience and function of coral reefs. Communicative and Integrative Biology 3: 1-4

    Souder, H.C., McCloskey, B.J., Hallock, P., and Byrne, R. 2010. Shell anomalies observed in a population of Archaias angulatus (Foraminifera) from the Florida Keys (USA) sampled in 1982-83 and 2006-07. Marine Micropaleontology, 77:71-81.

    Uthicke S.; Thompson A.; Schaffelke B. 2010. Effectiveness of benthic foraminiferal and coral assemblages as water quality indicators on inshore reefs of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. CORAL REEFS 29( 1): 209-225 DOI: 10.1007/s00338-009-0574-9.

  • 2009

    ~Ayoub, L.M. 2009. Can Colored Dissolved Organic Material Protect Coral Reefs by Reducing Exposure to Ultraviolet Radiation? Ph.D. Dissertation, Marine Science, Univ. South Florida, Tampa, FL.

    Baker, R.D., Hallock, P., Moses, E.F., Williams, D.E., Ramirez, A. 2009. Larger foraminifers of the Florida Reef Tract, USA: Distribution patterns on reef-rubble habitats. Journal of Foraminiferal Research 39(4):267-277.

    Barbosa CF; Prazeres M de Freitas; Ferreira BP; et al. 2009.Foraminiferal assemblage and reef check census in coral reef health monitoring of East Brazilian margin. MARINE MICROPALEONTOLOGY 73(1-2): 62-69 DOI: 10.1016/j.marmicro.2009.07.002

    Bromage, E., L. Carpenter, et al. 2009. "Quantification of coral heat shock proteins from individual coral polyps." MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES 376: 123-132.

    *Burkepile DE and ME Hay. 2009. Nutrient vs. herbivore control of macroalgal community development and coral growth on a Caribbean coral reef. Marine Ecology Progress Series 389:71-84

    Carnahan, E.A., A.M. Hoare, P. Hallock, B.H. Lidz, C.D. Reich. 2009. Foraminiferal Assemblages in Biscayne Bay, Florida, USA: Responses to Urban and Agricultural Influence in a Subtropical Estuary. Marine Pollution Bulletin 59:221-233.

    *Hay ME. 2009. Marine chemical ecology: Chemical signals and cues structure marine populations, communities, and ecosystems. Annual Review of Marine Sciences 1: 193-212. doi: 10.1146/annurev.marine.010908.163708</DOI>

    Keller BD, Gleason DF, McLeod E, Woodley CM, Airame S, Causey BD, Friedlander AM, Grober-Dunsmore R, Johnson JE, Miller SL, Steneck RS. 2009. Climate change, coral reef ecosystems, and management options for marine protected areas. Environmental Management 44: 1069-1088.

    Kim K, C Paige, CD Harvell. 2009. The role of environment and microorganisms in diseases of corals: overview of DAO Special 5. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 87: 1-3.

    *Lesser, M.P., M. Slattery, J.J. Leichter. 2009. Ecology of mesophotic coral reefs. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 375: 1-8

    *Loh, T.-L and Pawlik, J.R. 2009. Bitten down to size: Fish predation determines growth form of the Caribbean coral reef sponge Mycale laevis. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 374: 45-50.

    *López-Legentil S4, Pawlik JR. 2009. Genetic structure of the Caribbean giant barrel sponge Xestospongia muta using the I3-M11 partition of COI. Coral Reefs, 28: 157-165.

    *McMurray, S.2 and Pawlik, J.R. 2009. A novel technique for the reattachment of large coral reef sponges. Restoration Ecology, 17: 192-195. Cover photo feature article

    Miller SL, Chiappone M, Rutten LM, Swanson DW. 2009. Population status of Acropora corals in the Florida Keys. Proceedings of the 11th International Coral Reef Symposium, Ft. Lauderdale: 775-779.

    *Morinaka, B. I., Pawlik, J.R. and Molinski, T.F. 2009. Amaroxocanes A and B: Sulfated dimeric sterols defend the Caribbean coral reef sponge Phorbas amaranthus from fish predators. Journal of Natural Products, 72: 259-264

    Rutten LM, Chiappone M, Swanson DW, Miller SL. 2009. Stony coral species diversity and cover in the Florida Keys using design-based sampling. Proceedings of the 11th International Coral Reef Symposium, Ft. Lauderdale: 800-804.

    *Schrope, M. 2009. "The lab at the bottom of the sea." Nature 457: 141-143.

    *~Silbiger, N. 2009. Thesis title - “Impacts of sponge produced dissolved inorganic nitrogen on Caribbean coral reef seaweed communities”. UNC- Chapel Hill.

    *Sotka EE and ME Hay. 2009. Effects of herbivores, nutrient enrichment, and their interactions on macroalgal proliferation and coral growth. Coral Reefs 28:555-568 (10.1007/s00338-009-0529-1)

    ~Souder, H.L., 2009. Shell Abnormalities in Archaias Angulatus (Foraminifera) from the Florida Keys: An Indication of Increasing Environmental Stress? Ph.D. Dissertation, Marine Science, Univ. South Florida, Tampa, FL.

    Uthicke S; Nobes K. 2009. Benthic Foraminifera as ecological indicators for water quality on the Great Barrier Reef. ESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE 78( 4): 763-773 DOI: 10.1016/j.ecss.2008.02.014

    ~Williams, R.A. 2009. Comparing Reef Bioindicators on Benthic Environments off Southeast Florida. Master's Thesis, Marine Science, Univ. South Florida, Tampa, FL.

  • 2008

    (2008). Diversity Of Plant-eating Fishes May Be Key To Recovery Of Coral Reefs. Science News.

    AAAS (2008). “Redwoods of the Reef”. Science. 321: 19.

    *Auster, P. J. and J. Lindholm. 2008. “Variation in social foraging by fishes across a coral reef landscape”. Proceedings of the 11th International Coral Reef Symposium, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, 7-11 July 2008.

    ~Baker, R.D. 2008. Distribution Patterns of Larger Symbiont-Bearing Foraminifera of the Florida Reef Tract, USA. Master's Thesis, Marine Science, Univ. South Florida, Tampa, FL.

    *Burkepile, D. E. and M. E. Hay. 2008. "Herbivore species richness and feeding complementarity affect community structure and function on a coral reef." PNAS 105(42): 16201-16206 (Editor’s Choice coverage in Science 322:651-653; Current Biology coverage 18:988).

    *Burkepile DE and ME Hay. 2008. Coral Reefs. In Sven Erik Jørgensen and Brian D. Fath (Editor-in-Chief), Ecosystems. Vol. [1] of Encyclopedia of Ecology, 5 vols. pp. [784-796] Oxford: Elsevier

    Carnahan, E.A., A.M. Hoare, P. Hallock, B.H. Lidz, C.D. Reich. 2008. Distributions of Heavy Metals and Foraminiferal Assemblages in Sediments in Biscayne Bay, Florida, USA. Journal of Coastal Research 24(1):159-169.

    *Davis, K.A., J.J. Leichter, J.L. Hench, S.G. Monismith. 2008. Effects of western boundary current dynamics on the internal wave field of the Southeast Florida shelf. Journal of Geophysical Research. 113, C09010, doi:10.1029/2007JC004699

    Dupont, J.M., Jaap, W.C., Hallock, P. 2008. A Retrospective Analysis and Comparative Study of Stony Coral Assemblages in Biscayne National Park (1977-2000). Journal of Caribbean Research 44(3): 334-344.

    Fiechter, J., Haus, B.K. et al. 2008. "Physical processes impacting passive particle dispersal in the Upper Florida Keys." Continental Shelf Research 28: 1261-1272.

    *Leichter, J. J., Stokes, M.D. et al. 2008. "Deep water macroalgal communities adjacent to the Florida Keys reef tract." MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES 356: 123-138.

    *López-legentil, S. Song, B et al. 2008. "Bleaching and stress in coral reef ecosystems: hsp70 expression by the giant barrel sponge Xestospongia muta." Molecular Ecology, 17: 1840-1849.

    *McMurray, S. E., Blum, J.E. and J.R. Pawlik. 2008. "Redwood of the reef: growth and age of the giant barrel sponge Xestospongia muta in the Florida Keys." Marine Biology, 155: 159-171.

    *McMurray, S. E. and J. R. Pawlik. 2008. "A Novel Technique for the Reattachment of Large Coral Reef Sponges." Restoration Ecology.

    *Miller, M. 2008. Aquarius Coral Restoration/Resilience Experiment (ACRRE): 5. ?

    *Mohamed, N. M., Colman, A.S. et al. 2008. Diversity and expression of nitrogen fixation genes in bacterial symbionts of marine sponges. APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY,.

    *Mohamed, N.M., Enticknap, J.J. et al. 2008. Changes in Bacterial Communities of the Marine Sponge Mycale laxissima on Transfer into Aquaculture. APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY, 74(4): 1209-1222.

    *Mohamed, N.M, Mark, V.R. et al. 2008. Monitoring Bacterial Diversity of the Marine Sponge Ircinia strobilina upon Transfer into Aquaculture. APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY, 74(13): 4133-4143.

    Nuñez, C.V., E V.R. de Almeida, A. C. Granato, S.O. Marques, K.O. Santos, F.R. Pereira, M.L. Macedo, A.G. Ferreira, E. Hajdu, U.S. Pinheiro, G. Muricy, S. Peixinho, C.J. Freeman, D.F. Gleason, and R. G.S. Berlinck. 2008. Chemical variability within the marine sponge Aplysina fulva. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 36:283-296.

    *Pawlik, J.R., Henkel, T.P., McMurray, S.E., López-Legentil, S., Loh, T.-L., Rohde, S. 2008. Patterns of sponge growth and recruitment on a shipwreck corroborate chemical defense resource trade-off. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 368: 137-143.

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  • 2002

    Ault, J.S., S.G. Smith, G.A. Meester, J. Luo, E.C. Franklin, J.A. Bohnsack, D.E. Harper, D.B. McClellan, S.L. Miller, M. Chiappone, and D.W . Swanson. 2002. Synoptic habitat and reef fish surveys support establishment of marine reserves in Dry Tortugas, Florida USA. Reef Encounter 31:22-23.

    Ault, J.S., S.G. Smith, J. Luo, G.A. Meester, J.A. Bohnsack, and S.L Miller. 2002. Baseline multispecies coral reef fish stock assessments for the Dry Tortugas. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-SEFSC-487. 117 p.

    Ault, J.S., S.G. Smith, G.A. Meester, J. Luo, E.C. Franklin, J.A. Bohnsack, D.E. Harper, D.B. McClellan, S.L. Miller, D.W. Swanson, and M. Chiappone. 2002. Tortugas surveyed: Synoptic habitat and reef fish surveys support establishment of marine reserves in the Dry Tortugas, Florida, USA. Reef Encounter 31: 22-23.

    *Bullard, S.G. and M.E. Hay 2002. Plankton tethering to assess spatial patterns of predation risk over a coral reef and seagrass bed. Marine Ecology Progress Series 225:17-28.

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    Chiappone M, D.W. Swanson, and S.L. Miller. 2002. Density, spatial distribution and size structure of sea urchins in coral reef and hard-bottom habitats of the Florida Keys. Marine Ecology Progress Series 235: 117-126.

    Chiappone M., A. White, D.W. Swanson, and S.L. Miller. 2002. Occurrence and biological impacts of fishing gear and other marine debris in the Florida Keys. Marine Pollution Bulletin Vol. 44:597-604.

    Chiappone M., D.W. Swanson, S.L. Miller, and S.G. Smith. 2002. Large-scale surveys on the Florida Reef Tract indicate poor recovery of the long-spined sea urchin Diadema antillarum. Coral Reefs 21:155-159.

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    Jinks, R.N., T.L. Markley, E.E. Taylor, G. Perovich, A.I. Dittel, C.E. Epifanio and T.W. Cronin. 2002. Adaptive visual metamorphosis in a deep-sea hydrothermal vent crab. Nature 420:68-70.

    Kirsch, K.D., J.F. Valentine and K.L. Heck Jr. 2002. Parrotfish grazing on turtlegrass Thalassia testudinum: evidence for the importance of seagrass consumprtion in food web dynamics of the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. Vol. 227, pp. 71-85.

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    Miller S.L., D.W. Swanson, and M. Chiappone. 2002. Multiple spatial scale assessment of coral reef and hard-bottom community structure in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. Proceedings of the 9th International Coral Reef Symposium. Volume 1:69-74.

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    Walters, L. J., Smith, C. M., Coyer, J. A., Hunter, C. L., Beach, K. S. and P. S. Vroom. 2002. Asexual Propagation in the Coral Reef Macroalga Halimeda (Chlorophyta, Bryopsidales): Production, Dispersal and Attachment of Small Fragments. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 278: 47-65.

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  • 2001

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    Chiappone, M., S.L. Miller, D.W. Swanson, J.S. Ault, and S.G. Smith. 2001. Comparatively high densities of long-spined sea urchins in the Dry Tortugas, Florida. Coral Reefs 20(2):137-138.

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    Holzmann, M., J. Hohenegger, P. Hallock, W.E. Piller and J. Pawlowski. 2001. Molecular phylogeny of large miliolid foraminifera. ( Soritacea Ehrenberg 1839). Marine Micropaleontology 43: 57-74.

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    Miller, M.W. 2001. Corallivorous snail removal: evaluation of impact on Acropora palmate. Coral Reefs 19:293-295

    Miller S.L., D.W. Swanson, M. Chiappone, J.S. Ault, S.G. Smith, G.A. Meester, J. Luo, E.C. Franklin, J.A. Bohnsack, D.E. Harper, and D.B. McClellan. 2001. An extensive deep reef terrace on the Tortugas Bank, Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. Coral Reefs 20:299-300.

    Mobley, K.B. 2001. Ultraviolet radiation and carotenoid pigmentation in symbiotic anthozoans. Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA. 108 pp.

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    Pawlowski, J., M. Holzmann, J.F. Fahrni and P. Hallock. 2001. Molecular identification of algal endosymbionts in large miliolid foraminifera: 1. Chlorophytes. J. Eukaryot. Microbiology 48(3): 362-367.

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  • 2000

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    Ault, J.S., M.P. Crosby, G. Davis, and E. Reese. 2000. Ecological assessments. Chapter 4, Pages 45-48 in Alternative Access Management Strategies for Marine and Coastal Protected Areas. U.S. Man and the Biosphere, Washington, DC. 168 p.

    Beach, K. and L. Walters. 2000. Dictyota Bloom in the Florida Keys: Fragments and Fouling. Diving for Science in the 21st Century: American Association of Underwater Sciences 2000: 61-63.

    Bohnsack, JA. 2000. A comparison of the short-term impacts of no-take marine reserves and minimum size limits.Bulletin of Marine Science [Bull. Mar. Sci.]. Vol. 66, no. 3, pp. 635-650.

    *Cetrulo, G.L. and M.E. Hay. 2000 Activated chemical defenses in tropical versus temperate seaweeds. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 207:243-253.

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    Corbett, D.R., Kump, L., Dillon, K, Burnett, W. and Chanton J. 2000. Fate of wastewater-borne nutrients under low discharge conditions in the subsurface of the Florida Keys, USA. Marine Chemistry, 69, 99-115.

    *Cronin T.W., N.J. Marshall, and R.L. Caldwell. 2000. Spectral tuning and the visual ecology of mantis shrimps. Phil. Trans. Roy Soc. B 355:1263-1267.

    *Cruz-Rivera, E. and M.E. Hay. 2000. The effects of diet mixing on consumer fitness: macroalgae, epiphytes, and animal matter as food for marine amphipods. Oecologia 123:252-264.

    Dillon, K.S., D.R. Corbett, J.P. Chanton W.C. Burnett and L. Kump. 2000. Rapid transport of a wastewater plume injected into saline groundwaters of the Florida Keys, USA. Hydrology, 38, pages 624-634.

    Dillon, K.S., D.R. Corbett, J.P. Chanton W.C. Burnett and L. Kump. 2000. Bimodal transport of a waste water plume injected into saline ground water of the Florida Keys, USA. Ground Water, 38(4), pages 624-634.

    *Engel, S. and Pawlik, J.R. 2000. Allelopathic activities of sponge extracts. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 207: 273-281.

    Fitt, W.K., F.K. McFarland, M.E. Warner, and G.C. Chilcoat. 2000. Seasonal patterns of tissue biomass and densities of symbiotic dinoflagellates in reef corals and relation to coral bleaching. Limnology and Oceanography 45(3): 677-685.

    Glynn, P.W. and J.S. Ault. 2000. A biogeographic analysis and review of the far eastern Pacific coral reef region. Coral Reefs 19(1):1-19.

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    Hallock, P. 2000. Symbiont-bearing Foraminifera: Harbingers of global change. Micropaleontology 46(Suppl. 1): 95-104.

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    Lesser, M. 2000. Depth-dependent photoacclimatization to solar ultraviolet radiation in the Caribbean coral Montastraea faveolata. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 192: 137-151.

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    Lindel, T., Hoffmann, H., Hochgürtel, M., Pawlik, J.R. 2000. Structure-activity relationship of the inhibition of fish feeding by sponge-derived and synthetic pyrrole-imidazole alkaloids. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 26: 1477-1496.

    Lindeman, K.C., R. Pugliese, G.T. Waugh and J.S. Ault 2000. Developmental pathways within a multispecies reef fishery: management applications for essential habitats and marine reserves. Bulletin of Marine Science 66(3):929-956.

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    Valentine J.F., K.L. Heck, Jr., and K.D. Kirsch. 2000. The importance of the grazing pathway in seagrass food webs: a changing paradigm.Biologia Marina Mediterranea. 7: 290-293.

    Valentine, J.F., K.L. Heck, Jr., K.D. Kirsch, and D. Webb. 2000. Seagrass herbivory in the turtlegrass habitats of the Florida Keys. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 200: 213-228.

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    Walters, L. and K. Beach. 2000. Algal Bloom in the Florida Keys. Underwat. Nat. 25(3): 27-29.

    Walters, L. J., Smith, C. M. and M. G. Hadfield. 2000. Recruitment of Sessile Marine Invertebrates on Hawaiian Macroflora: Do Pre-Settlement or Post-Settlement Processes Keep Plants Free From Biological Fouling? 2000 SCIB Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA (USA), 4-8 Jan. (World Meeting Number 001 5049)

  • 1999

    Bohnsack, J.A., D.B. McClellan, D.E. Harper, G.S. Davenport, G.J. Konoval, A.M. Eklund, J.P. Contillo, S.K. Bolden, P.C. Fischel, G.S. Sandorf, J.C. Javech, M.W. White, M.H. Pickett, M.W. Hulsbeck, J.L. Tobias, J.S. Ault, G.A. Meester, S.G. Smith, and J. Luo. 1999. Baseline Data for Evaluating Reef Fish Populations in the Florida Keys. NOAA Tech. Mem. NMFS-SEFSC-427. 61 p.

    Bohnsack, J.A., M.W. Miller, and B. Haskell. 1999. Monitoring coral reefs and fishes in the Florida Keys. Pages 105-119 in J.E. Maragos and R.Grober-Dunsmore. (eds). Proceedings of the Hawaii Coral Reef Monitoring Workshop, June 9-11, Honolulu, Hawai’i. 334 p.

    Brown, B.E., I. Ambarsari, M.E. Warner, W.K. Fitt, R.P. Dunne, S.W. Gibb, D.G. Cummings. 1999. Diurnal change in photochemical efficiency and xanthophyll concentrations in shallow water reef corals: evidence for photoinhibition and photoprotection. Coral Reefs 18(2): 99-105.

    *Bullard, S.G., N.L. Lindquist, and M.E. Hay. 1999. Susceptibility of invertebrate larvae to predators: how common are post-capture larval defenses? Marine Ecology Series 191: 153-161.

    Corbett, D.R., J. Chanton, W. Burnett, K Dillon, C. Rutcowski, and J. Fourqurean. 1999. Patterns of groundwater discharge into Florida Bay. Limnol. Oceanogr. 44(4): 1045-1055.

    Dillon, K.S., D.R. Corbett, J.P. Chanton W.C. Burnett and D.J. Furbish. 1999. The use of Sulfur Hexafluoride as a tracer of septic tank effluent in the Florida Keys. Journal of Hydrology, 220, 129-140.

    Fleck, J. W.K. Fitt and M.G. Hahn. 1999. A proline-rich peptide originating from the decomposing mangrove leaves is one natural metamorphic cue of the tropical jellyfish Cassiopea xamachana. Marine Ecology Progress Series. Vol. 183: 115-124.

    Fleck, J. and W.K. Fitt. 1999. Degrading mangrove leaves of Rhizophora mangle Linne provide a natural cue for settlement and metamorphosis of the upside down jellyfish Cassiopea xamachana Bigelow. Journal of Experirmental Marine Biology and Ecology. 234(1): 83-94.

    Fujita, K. and P. Hallock. 1999. A comparison of phytal substrate preferences of Archaias angulatus and Sorites orbiculus in mixed macroalgal-seagrass beds in Florida Bay. J. Foram Res. 29: 143-151.

    Hall, M.O., M.J. Durako, J.W. Fourqurean, and J.C. Zieman. 1999. Decadal changes in seagrass distribution and abundance in Florida Bay. Estuaries. 22(2B): 445-459.

    Hallock, P. 1999. Chapter 8. Symbiont-bearing foraminifers. For B.K. Sen Gupta (ed) Modern Foraminifera, Kluwer Press, Amsterdam, p. 123-139.

    Hallock, P., M. Dotherow McField and S. Sampson. 1999. The prototype radiometer that survived Hurricane Georges. The Slate, A News Publication of the American Academy of Underwater Sciences. p. 1.

    Harvell, C.D., K. Kim, J.M. Burkholder, R.R. Colwell, P.R. Epsteim, D.J. Grimes, E.E. Hofmann, E.K. Lipp, A.D. M.E. Osterhaus, R.M. Overstreet, J.W. Porter, G.W. Smith and G.R. Vasta. 1999. Emerging Marine Diseases -- Climate links and Anthropogenic Factors. Science 285: 1505-1510.

    Hughes, T., A.M Szmant, R. Steneck, R.C. Carpenter, and S.L. Miller. 1999. Algal blooms on coral reefs: What are the causes? Limnology and Oceanography 4(6):1583-1586.

    Kapela, W. and H.R. Lasker. 1999. Size-dependent reproduction in the Caribbean gorgonian Pseudoplexura porosa. Marine Biology. 135: 107-114.

    ~Kirsch, Kevin D. 1999. Seagrass consumption by herbivorous fish: an underestimated trophic pathway in the Florida Keys in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. MS Thesis. University of South Alabama, Mobile, Alabama, 61 pages.

    Lasker, H.R. and Coffroth, M.A. 1999. Responses of clonal reef taxa to environmental change. American Zoologist 39: 92-103.

    *Leichter, J.J., and S.L. Miller. 1999. Predicting high frequency upwelling: Spatial and temporal patterns of temperature anomalies on a Florida coral reef. Cont. Shelf Res. 19: 911-928.

    Lindeman, K.C., G.A. Diaz, J.E. Serafy and J.S. Ault 1999. A spatial framework for assessing cross-shelf habitat use among newly settled grunts and snappers. Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute 50:385-416.

    Meester, G.A., J.S. Ault, and J.A. Bohnsack. 1999. Visual censusing and the extraction of average length as a biological indicator of stock health. Naturalista Sicilia 23:205-222.

    Miller, M.W., M.E. Hay, S.L. Miller, D. Malone, E.E. Sotka, and A.M. Szmant. 1999. Effects of nutrients vs. herbivores on reef algae: A new method for manipulating nutrients on coral reefs. Limnology and Oceanography 44: 1847-1861.

    Miller, M.W, M.E. Hay, S.L. Miller, D. Malone, E.E. Sotka, and A.M. Szmant. 1999. A new method for manipulating nutrients on coral reefs: Effects of nutrients vs. herbivores on reef algae. Limnology and Oceanography 44(8): 1847-1861. (Featured article in December, 1999, on L&O web site).

    Murdoch, T. J. T. and R. B. Aronson. 1999. Scale-dependent spatial variability of coral assemblages along the Florida Reef Tract. Coral Reefs 18:341-351.

    *Newbold, R.W., Jensen, P.R., Fenical, W., Pawlik, J.R. 1999. Antimicrobial activity of Caribbean sponge extracts. Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 19: 279-284

    ~Niebuhr, D.H. 1999. Environmental stress in hard coral: evaluating lipid as an indicator of sub-lethal stress on short time scales. Ph.D. dissertation, School of Marine Science, College of William & Mary, 152 pp.

    *Pile, A.J. and C.M. Young. 1999. Plankton availability and retention effeciencies of cold-seep symbiotic mussels. Limnology and Oceanography. 44(7): 1833-1839.

    Rose, C. D., W. S. Sharp, W. J. Kenworthy, J. H. Hunt, W. G. Lyons, E.J. Prager, J. F. Valentine, M. O. Hall, P. Whitfield and J. W.Fourqurean. 1999. Overgrazing of a large seagrass bed by the sea urchin Lytechinus variegatus in outer Florida Bay. Marine Ecology Progress Series 190: 211-222.

    Smith, C. M. and L. J. Walters. 1999. Vegetative Fragmentation in Three Species of Caulerpa (Chlorophyta, Caulerpales): The Importance of Fragment Origin, Fragment Length, and Wound Dimensions as Predictors of Success. PSZN Mar. Ecol. 20: 307-319.

    *Sotka, E.E., M.E. Hay, and J.D. Thomas. 1999. Host-plant specialization by a non-herbivorous amphipod: advantages for the amphipod and costs for the seaweed. Oecologia 118:471-482.

    Valentine, J.F. and K.L. Heck, Jr. 1999. Seagrass herbivory: evidence for the continued grazing of marine grasses. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 176: 291-302.

    *Waddell, B., Pawlik, J.R. 1999. Defenses of Caribbean sponges against invertebrate predators: II. Assays with sea stars. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser., 195: 133-144

    *Waddell, B., Pawlik, J.R. 1999. Defenses of Caribbean sponges against invertebrate predators: I. Assays with hermit crabs. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser., 195: 125-132

    Warner, M.E., W.K. Fitt, and G.W. Schmidt. 1999. Damage to photsystem II in symbiotic dinoflagellates: A determinant of coral bleaching. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 96(14): 8007-8012.

    *Wilson, D.M., M. Puyana, W. Fenical, and J.R. Pawlik. 1999. Chemical Defense of the Caribbean reef sponge Axinella corrugata against predatory fishes. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 25(12): 2811-2824.

  • 1998

    Aronson, R.B. 1998. Decadal-scale persistence of predation potential in coral reef communities. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 172:53-60.

    Ault, J.S., and J. Luo. 1998. Coastal bays to coral reefs: Systems use of scientific data visualization in reef fishery management. International Council for the Exploration of the Seas. ICES D.M. 1998/S:3.

    Ault, J.S., J.A. Bohnsack, and G.A. Meester. 1998. A retrospective (1979-1996) multispecies assessment of coral reef fish stocks in the Florida Keys. Fishery Bulletin 96(3):395-414.

    Brazeau, D., D. Gleason, and M. Morgan. 1998. Self-fertilization in brooding hermaphroditic Caribbean corals: evidence from molecular markers. J. Experiment. Marine Biol. 231(2): 225-238.

    Coffroth, M.A. and Lasker, H.R. 1998. Larval paternity and male reproductive success of a broadcast spawning gorgonian. Marine Biology 131(2):329-337.

    Coffroth, M.A. and Lasker, H.R. 1998. Population structure of a clonal gorgonian coral: The interplay between clonal reproduction and disturbance. Evolution 52(2):379-393.

    *Dunlap, M. and J.R. Pawlik. 1998. Spongivory by parrotfishes in Florida mangrove and reef habitats. Mar. Ecol. 19(4):325-337

    *Edmunds, P.J., R.B. Aronson, D.W. Swanson, D.R. Levitan and W.F. Precht. 1998. Photographic versus visual census techniques for the quantification of juvenile corals. Bulletin of Marine Science. 62(3): 937-946.

    Fitt, W.K. and K. Costley. 1998. The role of temperature in survival of the polyp stage of the tropical rhizostome jellyfish Cassiopea xamachana. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 222(1-2): 79-91.

    *Gleason, D.F. 1998. Sedimentation and distributions of green and brown morphs of the Caribbean coral Porites astreoides Lamarck. J. Exp. Marine Biology. 230(1):73-89.

    *Greenstein, B.J., H.A. Curran, and J.M. Pandolfi. 1998. Shifting ecological baselines and the demise of Acropora cervicornis in the western North Atlantic and Caribbean Province: a Pleistocene perspective. Coral Reefs. 17(3): 249-261.

    *Greenstein, B.J., L.A. Harris, and H.A. Curran. 1998. Comparison of recent coral life and death assemblages to Pleistocene reef communities: Implications for rapid faunal replacement on recent reefs. Carbonates and Evaporates. 13(1):23-31.

    *~Grottoli, A.G. 1998. Interpretation of stable carbon isotopes in reef coral skeletons and applications for paleoclimate reconstruction. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Houston.

    Hallock, P., H.K. Talge, D.E. Williams, and J.N. Harney. 1998. Borings in Amphistegina (Foraminferida): evidence for predation by Floresina amphiphaga (Foraminiferida). Historical Biology 13: 73-76.

    Harney, J.N., P. Hallock, and H.K. Talge. 1998. Observations on a trimorphic life cycle in Ampehistegina gibbosa populations from the Florida Keys. Jour. Foram. Res. 28(2): 141-147.

    *Hay, M.E., J. Piel, W. Boland, and I. Schnitzler. 1998. Seaweed sex phermones and their degradation products frequently suppress amphipod feeding but rarely suppress sea urchin feeding. Chemoecology 8: 91-98.

    *Hay, M. E., Stachowicz, J. J., Cruz-Rivera, E., Bullard, S., Deal, M. S., & Lindquist, N. 1998. Bioassays with marine and freshwater macroorganisms. Methods in Chemical Ecology Volume 2(pp. 39-141). Springer US.

    *Leichter, J.J., G. Shellenbarger, S.J. Genovese, S.R. Wing. 1998. Breaking internal waves on a Florida (USA) coral reef: a plankton pump at work? Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 166: 83-97.

    Lyons, M.M., P. Aas, J.D. Pakulski, L.Van Wassenbergen, R.V. Miller, D.L. Mitchell, and W. H. Jeffrey. 1998. DNA damage induced by ultraviolet radiation in coral-reef microbial communities. Mar. Bio. 130(3): 537-543.

    Miller, M.W. and M.E. Hay. 1998. Effects of fish predation and seaweed competition on the survival and growth of corals. Oecologia 113(2): 231-238.

    Miller, S.L. and M.P. Crosby. 1998. The extent and condition of U.S. coral reefs. In: NOAA’s State of the Coast Report (peer reviewed). NOAA. Silver Spring, MD. pp 1-34.

    Pakulski, J.D., P. Aas, W. Jeffrey, M. Lyons, L. Von Waasenbergen, D. Mitchell, and R. Coffin. 1998. Influence of light on bacterioplankton production and respiration in a subtropical coral reef. Aquatic Micro. Ecol. 14(2): 137-148.

    *Pawlik, J.R. 1998. Coral reef sponges: Do predatory fishes affect their distribution? Limnol. Oceanogr. 43(6):1396-1399.

    Richardson, L.L. 1998. Coral diseases: What is really known? Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 13:438-443.

    Richardson, L.L., W.M. Goldberg, R.G. Carlton and J.C. Halas. 1998. Coral disease outbreak in the Florida Keys: Plague Type II. Revista de Biología Tropical. 46 , Supl.5:187-198.

    Richardson, L.L., W.M. Goldburg, K.G. Kuda, R.B. Aronson, G.W. Smith, K.B. Richie, J.C. Halas, J.S. Feingold, and S.L. Miller. 1998. Florida’s mystery coral-killer identified. Nature. 392:557-558.

    *Schnitzler, I., W. Boland, and M.E. Hay. 1998. Organic sulfur compounds from Dictyopteris spp. deter feeding by an herbivorous amphipod (Ampithoe longimana) but not by an herbivorous sea urchin (Arbacia punctulata). Jour. Chem. Eco. 24(10):1715-1732. [NURC/UNCW J-98-13]

    *Sebens, K.P., S. Grace, B. Helmuth, E. Maney, and J. Miles. 1998. Water flow and prey capture by three scleractinian corals, Madracis mirabilis, Montastrea cavernosa, and Porites porites in a field enclosure. Mar. Biol. 131(2): 347-360.

    Smith, N.P. 1998. Tidal and long-term exchanges through channels in the middle and upper Florida Keys. Bulletin of Marine Science 62:199-211.

    *Snell, T., D.W. Foltz, and P.W. Sammarco. 1998. Morphological and genetic variation in Montastrea cavernosa (Coelenterata, Scleractinia) from the Flower Garden Banks and the Florida Keys: Preliminary analysis. Gulf Mex. Sci. 1998: 188-195.

    Stoner, A.W. and R.A. Glazer. 1998. Variation in natural mortality: implications for queen conch stock enhancement. Bull. Mar. Sci. 62(2): 427-442.

    *Swearingen, D.C. and J.R. Pawlik. 1998. Variability in the chemical defense of the sponge Chondrilla nucula against predatory reef fishes. Mar. Bio. 131(4): 619-627.

    Toler, S.K. and P. Hallock. 1998. Shell malformation in stressed Amphistegina populations: relation to biomineralization and paleoenvironmental potential. Mar. Micropaleontology. 34:107-115.

    ~Trussell, G.C. 1998. Phenotypic clines in the intertidal snail Littorina obtusata: the role of water temperature and predator effluent as inducers of phenotypic plasticity and associated trade-offs in shell form. Ph.D. dissertation, School of Marine Science, College of William & Mary, 210 pp.

  • 1997

    Ault, J.S., J.A. Bohnsack, and G.A. Meester. 1997. Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary: retrospective (1979-1995) assessment of reef fish and a case for protected marine areas, pp. 415-425. In: Developing and Sustaining World Fisheries Resources: The State of Science and Management. Hancock, D.A., D.C. Smith, A. Grant, and J.P. Beumer (eds.). 2 nd World Fisheries Congress, Collingwood, Australia. Fishery Bulletin 96:395-414.

    ~Beiring, E.A. 1997 Life history and reproductive success of a broadcast-spawning gorgonian coral and implications for conservation biology. Ph.D. Thesis, State University of New York at Buffalo.

    *Chanas, B. and J.R. Pawlik. 1997. Variability in the chemical defense of Caribbean reef sponge Xestospongia muta. Proc. 8th Internat. Coral Reef Symp., 2:1363-1368, Panama City, Panama.

    *~Dunlap, M.J. 1997. Spongivory by Caribbean reef fish. M.S. Thesis, University of North Carolina at Wilmington, 601 S. College Road, Wilmington, NC 28403.

    *Greenstein, B.J. and H.A. Curran. 1997. How much ecological information is preserved in fossil coral reefs and how reliable is it? Proc. 8th Internat. Coral Reef Symp., 1:417-422, Panama City, Panama.

    *Greenstein, B.J. and J.M. Pandolfi. 1997. Preservation of community structure in modern reef coral life and death assemblages of the Florida Keys: Implications for the Quarternary fossil record of coral reefs. Bul. Mar. Sci. 61(2): 431-452.

    *Grottoli-Everett, A.G. and G.M. Wellington. 1997. Fish predation on the scleractinian coral Madracis mirabilis control its depth distribution in the Florida Keys, USA. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 160: 291-293

    *Hay, M.E. 1997. The ecology and evolution of seaweed-herbivore interactions on coral reefs.Coral reefs,16(1), S67-S76.

    *Heidelberg, K. B., K. P. Sebens, and J. E. Purcell. 1997. Effects of prey escape behavior and water flow on prey capture by the scleractinian coral, Meandrina meandrites.

    *Helmuth, B. S. T, K. P. Sebens, and T. L. Daniel. 1997. Morphological variation in coral aggregations: branch spacing and mass flux to coral tissues.

    Herrnkind, W., M.J. Butler, J. Hunt, and M. Childress. 1997. Role of physical refugia: implications from a mass sponge die-off in a lobster nursery in Florida. J. Mar. Freshwat. Res. 48(8):759-769.

    Kuta, K.G. and L.L. Richardson. 1997. Fate of black band diseased corals in the Florida Keys. Proceedings of the 8th International Coral Reef Symposium. 1:575-578.

    Lee, J.J., J. Morales, S. Bacus, A. Diamont, P. Hallock, J. Pawlowski, and J. Thorpe. 1997. Progress in characterizing the endosymbiotic dinoflagellates of soritid foraminifera and related studies on some stages in the life cycle of Marginopora verebralis. Jour. Foram. Res. 27(4): 254-263.

    *~Leichter, J.J. 1997. Coastal ocean physical forcing: International waves on a Florida coral reef. Ph.D. Thesis. Stanford University.

    Lidz, B.H., E.A. Shinn, A.C. Hine, and S.D. Locker. 1997. Contrasts within an outlier-reef system: evidence for differential quaternary evolution, South Florida Windward Margin, USA. Journ. of Coast. Res. 13(3): 711-731.

    *Lindquist, N., R. Bolser, and K. Laing. 1997. Timing of larval release by two Caribbean demosponges. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 155: 309-313.

    *Mills, M. M. and K. P. Sebens. 1997. Particle ingestion efficiency of the corals Siderastrea siderea and Agaricia agaricites: Effects of flow speed and sediment loads. Proc. 8th Int. Coral Reef Symposium, Panama City, 1996 Vol. 2:1059 - 1064.

    *Pandolfi, J.M. and B.J. Greenstein. 1997. Preservation of community structure in death assemblages of deep water Caribbean reef corals. Limnol. and Oceanog. 42(7): 1505-1516.

    *Pawlik, J.R. 1997. Fish predation on Caribbean reef sponges: an emerging perspective of chemical defenses. Proc. 8th Internat. Coral Reef Symp., 2:1255-1258, Panama City, Panama.

    *Pile, A. J. 1997. Finding Reiswig's missing carbon: quantification of sponge feeding using dual-beam flow cytometry. Proceedings of the 8th International Coral Reef Symposium 2:1403-1410.

    Richardson, L.L. 1997. Occurrence of the the black-band disease cyanobacterium on healthy corals of the Florida Keys. Bulletin of Marine Science. 61:485-490.

    Richardson, L.L., K. Kuta, S. Schnell, and R.G. Carlton. 1997. Ecology of the black band disease microbial consortium. Proceedings of the 8th International Coral Reef Symposium. 1:597-600.

    *Sebens, K. P. 1997. Adaptive responses to water flow: Morphology, energetics, and distribution of reef corals. Proc. 8th Int. Coral Reef Symposium, Panama City, 1996. Vol 2. 1053 - 1058.

    *~Snell, T. 1997. Morphological and Genetic Variation in the scleratinian coral Montastrea cavernosa. M.Sc. Thesis, Zool. & Physiol., LA State Univ., Baton Rouge.

    *Stachowicz, J.J. and N. Lindquist. 1997. Chemical defense among hydroids on pelagic Sargassum: predator deterrence and absorption of solar UV radiation by secondary metabolites. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 155: 115-126.

    Stoner, A.W. 1997. Status of queen conch, Strombus gigas, research in the Caribbean. Mar. Fish. Rev. 59(3): 14-22.

    Stoner, A.W., N. Mehta, and T.N. Lee. 1997. Recruitment of Strombus veligers to the Florida Keys reef tract: relation to hydrographic events. J. Shellfish Res. 16:1-6.

    Swain, T., H.R. Lasker, K. Kim 1997 Enumeration of sperm in broadcast spawning species, 8 th Int. Coral Reef Symp., Panama.

    Talge, H.K., D.E. Williams, P. Hallock, and J.N. Harney. 1997. Symbiont loss in reef foraminifera: Consequences for affected populations. Proc. 8th Int. Coral Reef Symp., 1:589-594, Panama City, Panama.

    Williams, D.E., P. Hallock, H.K. Talge, J.N. Harney, and G. McRae. 1997. Responses of Amphistina gibbosa populations in the Florida Keys (USA) to a multi-year stress event (1991-1996). Journal of Foraminiferal Research 27(4): 264-269.

  • 1996

    Bohnsack, J.A., and J.S. Ault. 1996. Management strategies to conserve marine biodiversity. Oceanography 9(1):73-82

    *Bolser, R.C. and M.E. Hay. 1996. Are tropical plants better defended? Palatability and defenses of temperate versus tropical seaweeds. Ecology 77(8): 2269-2286.

    *Chanas, B. and J.R. Pawlik. 1996. Does the skeleton of a sponge provide a defense against predatory reef fish? Oecologia 107(2):225-231.

    *Chanas, B., J.R. Pawlik, T. Lindel, and W. Fenical. 1996. Chemical defense of the Caribbean sponge Agelas clathrodes (Schmidt). Jour. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 208:186-196.

    Cockey, E.M., P. Hallock, and B.H. Lidz. 1996. Decadal--scale changes in benthic foraminiferal assemblages off Key Largo, Florida. Coral Reefs 15(4): 237-248.

    *Cronin, T.W., N.J. Marshall, and R.L. Caldwell. 1996. Visual pigment diversity in two genera of mantis shrimps implies rapid evolution. J. Comp. Physiol. A 179(3):371-384.

    *Dunlap, M.J. and J.R. Pawlik. 1996. Video-monitored predation by Caribbean reef fishes on an array of mangrove and reef sponges. Mar. Biol. 126(1): 117-123.

    *Edmunds, P.J. 1996. Ten days under the sea. Scientific American, 275(4): 88-95.

    ~Harney, J. 1996. Morphological variability in stressed Amphistegina gibbosa (Foraminiferida) in the Florida Keys. Master’s Thesis, Department of Marine Science, University of South Florida, 60pp.

    *Hay, M.E. 1996. Defensive synergisms?: Reply to Pennings. Ecology 77(6):1950-1952.

    *Hay, M.E. 1996. Marine chemical ecology: What’s known and what’s next? J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 200(1-2): 103-134.

    *Hay, M.E. and W. Fenical. 1996. Chemical ecology and marine biodiversity: Insights and products from the sea. Oceanography 9(1): 10-20.

    Lasker, H.R., K. Kim, and M.A. Coffroth. 1996. Reproductive and genetic variation among Caribbean gorgonians: The differentiation of Plexaura kuna, new species. Bull. Mar. Sci. 58(1): 277-288.

    *Leichter, J.J., S.R. Wing, S.L. Miller, and M.W. Denny. 1996. Pulsed delivery of subthermocline water to Conch Reef, Florida Keys, by internal tidal bores. Limnol. and Oceanogr. 41(7): 1490-1501.

    *Lindquist, N. 1996. Palatability of invertebrate larvae to coral s and sea anenomaes. Mar. Biol. 126(4): 745-755.

    *Lindquist, N. and M.E. Hay. 1996. Palatability and chemical defense of marine invertebrate larvae. Ecol. Monographs 66(4): 431-450.

    *Lindquist, N., E. Lobkovsky, and J. Clardy. 1996. Tridentatols A-C, novel natural products of the marine hydroid Tridentata marginata. Tetrahedron Letters 37(51): 9131-9134.

    Locker, S.D., A.C. Hine, L.P. Tedesco, and E.A. Shinn. 1996. Magnitude and timing of episodic sea-level rise during the late deglaciation. Geology, vol. 24, no. 9, pp. 827-830, Sep

    *~Pile, A.J. 1996. The role of microbial food webs in benthic-pelagic coupling on freshwater and marine ecosystems. Ph.D. Thesis. The College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia, USA, 166pp.

    *Pile, A.J., M.R. Patterson, and J.D. Witman. 1996. In situ grazing on plankton < 10 µm by the boreal sponge Mycale lingua . Marine Ecology Progress Series 141: 95-102.

    Richardson, L.L. 1996. Motility patterns of Phormidium corallyticum and Beggiatoa spp. associated with black band disease of corals. Microbial Ecology. 32:323-335.

    Sammarco, P. W. 1996. Comments on coral reef regeneration, bioersion, biogeography, and chemical ecology: Future directions. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 200(1-2):135-168.

    *Sebens, K.P., J. Witting and B. Helmuth. 1996. Effects of water flow and aggregation on particle capture by the reef coral Madracis mirabilos. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 211:1-28.

    *Sebens, K.P., K. Vandersall, L. Savina and K. Graham. 1996. Zooplankton capture by two scleractinian corals, Madracius mirabalis and Montastrea cavernosa, in a field enclosure. Mar. Biol. 127(2):303-317.

    *Shashar, N., S. Kinane, P.L. Jokiel, and M.R. Patterson. 1996. Hydromechanical boundary layers over a coral reef. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 199(1): 17-28.

    Shinn, E.A., C.D. Reich, S.D. Locker, and A.C. Hines. 1996. A giant sediment trap in the Florida Keys. Jour. Coast. Res. 12(4): 953-959.

    *Stachowicz, J.J. and M.E. Hay. 1996. Facultative mutualism between an herbivorous crab and a corraline alga: Advantages of eating noxious seaweeds. Oecologia 105(3):377-387.

    Stoner, A.W. R.A. Glazer, and B.J. Barile. 1996. Larval supply to queen conch nurseries: Relationships with recruitment process and population size in Florida and the Bahamas. J. Shellfish Res. 15(2):407-420.

    Stoner, A.W., M. Ray, R.A. Glazer, and K.J. McCarthy. 1996. Metamorphic responses to natural substrata in a gastropod larva: decisions related to postlarval growth and habitat preference. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 205(1-2): 229-243.

    *~Swearingen, D.C. III. 1996. Variability in the growth form and chemical defense of the sponge Chondrilla nucula. M.S. Thesis, University of North Carolina at Wilmington, 601 S. College Road, Wilmington, NC 28403.

    Szmant, A. M. and A. Forrester. 1996. Water column and sediment nitrogen and phosphorus distribution patterns in the Florida Keys, USA. Coral Reefs 15(1):21-41.

    ~Toscano, M.A. 1996. Late quaternary stratigraphy, sea-level history, and paleoclimatology of the southeast Florida outer continental shelf. Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Marine Science, University of South Florida, St. Petersburg, FL. 280pp.

    Warner, M.E., W.K. Fitt, G.W. Schmidt. 1996. The effects of elevated temperature on the photosynthetic efficiency of zooxanthellae in hospite from four different species of reef coral: a novel approach. Plant. Cell and Environment 19(3): 291-299.

    *Wing, S.R., and J.J. Leichter. 1996. Storm-generated physical variability on Conch Reef, Florida Keys. Proc. Intl. Coral Reef Symposium, Panama City 2: 1097-1102.

  • 1995

    Beach, K.S., C.M. Smith, T.Michael, and H. Shin. 1995. Photosynthesis in reproductive unicells of Ulva fasciata and Enteromorpha flexuosa: Implications for ecological success. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 125(1-3): 229-237.

    ~Bolser, R.C. 1995. Are tropical plants better defended? Palatability and defenses of temperate vs. tropical seaweeds. M.S. Thesis, Marine Sciences Curriculum, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill.

    Carlton, R.G. and L.L. Richardson. 1995. Oxygen and sulfide dynamics in a horizontally migrating cyanobacterial mat: Black band disease of corals. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 18(2): 155-162.

    *~Chanas, B. 1995. Physical and chemical defenses of three Caribbean reef sponges. M.S. Thesis. University of North Carolina-Wilmington.

    *Chanas, B. and J.R. Pawlik. 1995. Defenses of Caribbean sponges against predatory reef fish: II. Spicules, tissue toughness, and nutritional quality. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 127(1-3): 195-211.

    Coffroth, M.A. and J.M. Mulwaka III. 1995. Identification of marine invertebrate larvae by means of PCR-RAPD species-specific markers. Limnol. Oceanogr. 40(1): 181-189.

    Coyer, J.A. 1995. Use of rock as an anvil for breaking scallops by the yellowhead wrasse, Halichoeres garnoti (Labridae). Bull. Mar. Sci. 57(2):545-546.

    *Cronin, G., M.E. Hay, W. Fenical, and N. Lindquist. 1995. Distribution, density, and sequestration of host chemical defenses by the specialist nudibranch Tritonia hamnerorum found at high densities on the sea fan Gorgonia ventalina. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 119(1-3): 177-189.

    Fitt, W.K. and M.E. Warner. 1995. Bleaching patterns of four species of Caribbean reef corals. Biol. Bull. 189(3): 298-307.

    Gardiner, E.S. 1995. Taphonomic analysis of Florida reef corals. Smith College, Northampton, MA.

    *Gleason, D.F. and G.M. Wellington. 1995. Variation in UVB sensitivity of planula larvae of the coral Agaracia agaricites along a depth gradient. Mar. Biol. 123(4): 693-703.

    Hallock, P., H.K. Talge, E.M. Cockey, and R.G. Muller. 1995. A new disease in reef-dwelling foraminifera: Implications for coastal sedimentation. Journal of Foraminiferal Research 25(3): 280-286.

    *Henrikson, A.A. and J.R. Pawlik. 1995. A new antifouling assay method: Results from field experiments using extracts of four marine organisms. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. and Ecol. 194(2):157-165.

    Herrnkind, W.F., P. Jernakoff, and M.J. Butler IV. 1995. Puerulus and post-puerulus ecology. In: B. Phillips, S. Cobb, and J. Kittaka (eds.) Spiny Lobster Management: Current Situation and Perspectives. Blackwell Press, Oxford. pp.213-229.

    Lee, J.J., J. Morale, A. Symons, and P. Hallock. 1995. Diatom symbionts in larger foraminifera from Caribbean hosts. Mar. Micropaleon. 26(1): 99-105.

    *Lindquist, N. and M.E. Hay. 1995. Can small rare prey be chemically defended? The case for marine larvae. Ecol. 76(4):1347-1358.

    Lohman, K.J., N.D. Pentcheff, G.A. Nevitt, G.D. Stetten, R.K. Zimmerfaust, H.E. Jarrard and L.C. Boles. 1995. Magnetic orientation of spiny lobsters in the ocean: Experiments with undersea coil systems. J. Exp. Biol. 198(10): 2041-2048.

    Nevitt, G.A., N.D. Pentcheff, K.J. Lohman and R.K. Zimmerfaust. 1995. Evidence for hydrodynamic orientation by spiny lobsters in a patch reef environment. Journ. of Exper. Biol. 198(10): 2049-2054.

    Paul, J.H., J.B. Rose, J.Brown, E.A. Shinn, S. Miller, and S.R. Farrah. 1995. Viral tracer studies indicate contamination of marine waters by sewage disposal practices in Key Largo, Florida. Appl. Env. Microbiol. 61(6):2230-2234.

    Paul, J.H., J.B. Rose, S.Jiang, C. Kellogg, and E.A. Shinn. 1995. Occurrence of fecal indicator bacteria in surface waters and the subsurface aquifer in Key Largo, Florida. Appl. Env. Mircobiol. 61(6): 2235-2241.

    *Pawlik, J.R., B. Chanas, R.J. Toonen and W. Fenical. 1995. Defenses of Caribbean sponges against predatory reef fish: I. Chemical deterrency. Mar.

    Pitts, P.A. and N.P. Smith. 1995. Air-water heat energy fluxes in lower Florida Keys: Fall and winter months Bull. Mar. Sci. 56(3):767-777.

    Talge, H.K. and P. Hallock. 1995. Cytological examination of symbiont loss in a benthic foraminifer, Amphistegina gibbosa. Mar. Micropaleon. 26(1-4): 107-113.

  • 1994

    Aronson, R.B., P.J. Edmunds, W.F. Precht, D.W. Swanson, and D.R. Levitan. 1994. Large-scale, long-term monitoring of Caribbean coral reefs: Simple, quick, inexpensive techniques. Atoll Research Bulletin (421): 1-19.

    Bird, K.T. and J. Jewett-Smith. 1994. Development of a medium and culture system for in vitro propagation of Halophila engelmannii. Canadian Journal of Botany 72(10):1503-1510.

    Bohnsack, J.A., D.E. Harper, and D.B. McClellan. 1994. Fisheries trends from Monroe County, Florida. Bull. Mar. Sci. 54(3):982-1018.

    Chiappone, M. and K.M. Sullivan. 1994. Ecological structure and dynamics of nearshore hard-bottom communities in the Florida Keys. Bull. Mar. Sci. 54(3): 747-756.

    ~Cockey, E.M. 1994. Decadal-scale changes in benthic foraminiferal assemblages off Key Largo, Florida. M.S. Thesis, University of South Florida, Department of Marine Science, 140 Seventh Avenue South, St. Petersburg, FL 33701-5016. 76pp.

    Cronan, J.M. and J.H. Cardellina II. 1994. A novel d-Lactam from the sponge Tedania ignis. Natural Product Letters. 5(2): 85-88.

    Duffy, J.E. and M.E. Hay. 1994. Herbivore resistance to seaweed chemical defense: The roles of mobility and predation risk. Ecology 75(5):1304-1319.

    Field, J.M. and M.J. Butler IV. 1994. The influence of temperature, salinity and larval transport on the distribution of juvenile spiny lobsters, Panulirus argus, in Florida Bay. Bulletin of Marine Science 54(3): 1074.

    Forcucci, D. 1994. Population density, recruitment and 1991 mortality event of Diadema antillarum in the Florida Keys. Bull. Mar. Sci. 54(3): 917-928.

    *Gleason, D.F. and G.M. Welligton. 1994. Ultraviolet and coral bleaching: Reply to Dunne. Nature 368: 697.

    Hallock, P. and H.K. Talge. 1994. A predatory foraminifera, Floresina amphiphaga n.sp., from the Florida Keys. Journal of Foraminiferal Research 24(4): 210-213.

    *Hay, M.E. 1994. Species as ‘noise’ in community ecology: do seaweeds block our view of the kelp forest? TREE. 9(11): 414-416.

    *Hay, M.E., Q.E. Kappel, and W. Fenical. 1994. Synergisms in plant defenses against herbivores: Interactions of chemistry, calcification, and plant quality. Ecology 75(6): 1714-1726.

    Herrnkind, W.F. and M.J. Butler IV. 1994. Settlement of spiny lobster, Panulirus argus (Latreille, 1804) in Florida: Pattern without predictability?. Crustaceana 67(1):46-64.

    Hyun, J.H. 1994. Bacterial activity, growth and production in unique environments. Ph.D. Dissertation, Florida State University, Department of Microbiology.

    Kapraun, D.F. and M.N. Nguyen. 1994. Karyology, nuclear DNA quantification and nucleus-cytoplasmic domain variations in some multinucleate green algae (Siphonocladales, Chlorophyta). Phycologia 33(1): 42-52.

    Lesser, M.P., V.M. Weis, M.R. Patterson, and P.L. Jokiel. 1994. Effects of water motion on carbon delivery and productivity in the reef coral, Pocillopora damicornis: diffusion barriers, inorganic carbon limitation, and biochemical plasticity. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 178: 153-179.

    Pitts, P.A. 1994. An investigation of near-bottom flow patterns along and across Hawk Channel, Florida Keys. Bull. Mar. Sci. 54(3): 610-620.

    Sebens, K.P. 1994. Biodiversity of coral reefs: What are we losing and why? Amer. Zool. 34(1): 115-133.

    Sluka, R., M. Chiappone, and K.M. Sullivan. 1994. Comparison of juvenile grouper populations in southern Florida and the central Bahamas. Bull. Mar. Sci. 54(3): 871-880.

  • 1993

    Aronson, R.B. 1993. Hurricane effects on backreef echinoderms of the Caribbean. Coral Reefs 12(3/4): 139-142.

    ~Donovan-Potts, P.A. 1993. The biological and physical parameters surrounding the traditional spawning sites of the bluehead wrasse, Thalassoma bifasciatum, along the Key Largo, Florida reef tract. M.S. Thesis, University of North Carolina at Wilmington, 601 S. College Road, Wilmington, NC 28403. 36pp.

    ~Field, J.M. 1993. The influence of temperature, salinity, and postlarval transport on the distribution of juvenile spiny lobsters, Panulirus argus, in Florida Bay. M.S. Thesis. Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA. 60pp.

    Fitt, W.K., H.J. Spero, J. Halas, M.W. White, and J.W. Porter. 1993. Recovery of the coral Montastrea annularis in the Florida Keys after the 1987 Caribbean "bleaching event." Coral Reefs 12(2): 57-64.

    *Gleason, D.F. 1993. Differential effects of ultraviolet radiation on green and brown morphs of the Caribbean coral Porites asteroides. Limnol. Oceanogr. 38(7):1452-1463.

    *Gleason, D.F. and G.M. Wellington. 1993. Ultraviolet radiation and coral bleaching. Nature 365(6449): 836-838. [NURC/UNCW J-93-10]

    Grammer, G.M., R.N. Ginsburg, and P.M. Harris. 1993. Timing of deposition, diagenesis, and failure of steep carbonate slopes in response to a high-amplitude/high-frequency fluctuation in sea level, Tongue of the Ocean, Bahamas. AAPG Memoir 57:107-131.

    Grammer, G.M., R.N. Ginsburg, P.K. Swart, D.F. McNeill, A.J.T. Jull, and D.R. Prezbindowski. 1993. Rapid growth rates of syndepositional marine aragonite cements in steep marginal slope deposits, Bahamas and Belize. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology 63(5): 983-989.

    Hallock, P. and M.W. Peebles. 1993. Foraminifera with chlorophyte endosymbionts: Habitats of six species in the Florida Keys. Marine Micropaleontology 20(3-4): 277-292.

    Johnson, A.S. and K.P. Sebens. 1993. Consequences of a flattened morphology: Effects of flow on feeding rates of the scleractinian coral Meandrina meandrites. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 99(1-2): 99-114.

    Kapraun, D.F. 1993. Karyology of marine green algae. Phycologia 32(1): 1-21.

    Miller, S.L., G.B. McFall and A.W. Hulbert. 1993. Guidelines and recommendations for coral reef restoration in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary: Report. National Undersea Research Center at UNCW. 38 pp.

    Paul, J. H., J. B. Rose, S. C. Jiang, C. A. Kellogg, and L. Dickson. 1993. Distribution of viral abundance in the reef environment of Key Largo, Florida. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 59(3): 718-724.

    Shen, Y., P.I. Tsai, W. Fenical, and M.E. Hay. 1993. Secondary metabolite chemistry of the Caribbean marine alga Sporochnus bolleanus: A basis for herbivore chemical defense. Phytochemistry 32(1):71-75.

    Talge, H.K. and P. Hallock. 1993. Observations of symbiont loss in benthic foraminifera. J. Scanning Microscopy 15(supp. III): 86-88.

    *Wing, S.R., and M.R. Patterson. 1993. Effects of wave-induced lightflecks in the intertidal zone on photosynthetic efficiency in the macroalgae Postelsia palmaeformis and Hedophyllum sessile (Phaeophyceae). Marine Biology 116: 519-525.

  • 1992

    *~Gleason, D.F. 1992. The control and adaptive significance of morphological variation in the reef coral Porites astreoides. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Houston, Department of Biology, 4800 Calhoun Road, Houston, TX 77204. 169pp.

    Grammer, G.M. and R.M. Ginsburg. 1992. Highstand vs. lowstand deposition on carbonate platform margins: Insight from Quaternary foreslopes in the Bahamas. Marine Geology 103(1-3):125-136.

    *Helmuth, B. and K.P. Sebens. 1992. The influence of colony morphology and orientation to flow on particle capture by the coral Agaricia agaricites (Linnaeus). J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 165:1-28.

    Leichter, J.J. 1992. Subtidal Suspension Feeders in the Gulf of Maine: Relation of Water Flow to Distributions, Abundance, and Growth Rates Within and Between Rock Walls. M.S. Thesis, Northwestern University, Boston, MA. 101 pp.

    Park, M., W. Fenical, and M.E. Hay. 1992. Debromoisocymobarbatol, a new chromanol feeding deterrent from the marine alga Cymopolia barbata. Phytochemistry 31(12): 4115-4118.

    Patterson, M.R. 1992. A chemical engineering view of cnidarian symbioses. Am. Zoo. 32(4): 566-582.

    Patterson, M.R. 1992. A mass transfer explanation of metabolic scaling relations in some aquatic invertebrates and algae. Science 255(5050): 1421-1423.

    Porter, J.W. and O.W. Meier. 1992. Quantification of loss and change in Floridian reef coral populations. Am. Zoo. 32: 625-640.

  • 1991

    Grammer, G.M. 1991. Formation and evolution of quaternary carbonate foreslopes, Tongue of the Ocean, Bahamas. Ph.D. Dissertation, Comparative Sedimentology Laboratory, Rosentiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, Marine Geology and Geophysics, University of Miami, 4600 Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami, FL 33149. 314pp.

    Patterson, M.R. 1991. Passive suspension feeding by an octocoral in plankton patches: empirical test of a mathematical model. The Biological Bulletin 180: 81-92.

    Patterson, M.R. 1991. The effects of flow on polyp-level prey capture in an octocoral, Alcyonium siderium. The Biological Bulletin 180: 93-102.

    Patterson, M.R., K.P. Sebens, and R.R. Olson. 1991. In situ measurements of forced convection on primary production and dark respiration in reef corals. Limnol. Oceanogr. 36:936-948.

    Sanderson, S.L., J.J. Cech, Jr., and M.R. Patterson. 1991. Fluid dynamics in suspension-feeding blackfish. Science 251: 1346-1348.

    Sebens, K.P. and A.S. Johnson. 1991. Effects of water movement on prey capture and distribution of reef corals. Hydrobiologia 226(2): 91-101.

  • 1988

    Hallock, P., A.C. Hine, G.A. Vargo, J.A. Elrod, and W.C. Jaap. 1988. Platforms of the Nicaraguan Rise: Examples of the sensitivity of carbonate sedimentation to excess trophic resources. Geology 16(12): 1104-1107.

    Jeffrey, W.H. 1998. Induction of DNA photodamage in marine microbial communities by ultraviolet radiation, pp: 26-30, in Landmarks in Photobiology, Proceedings of the 12th International Congress on Photobiology, H. Honigsmann, R.M Knobler, F. Trautinger, and G.Jori (eds). Organizzazione Editoriale Medico Farmaceutica, Sede Legale, Produzione e Redazione: Via Palizzi, 88-20157 Milano (Italy).

  • Non-Referred Publications

    Dienes H, Chiappone M, Miller SL, Swanson DW (In press) Density and fore reef habitat utilization patterns of the lettuce sea slug (Tridachia crispata) in the Florida Keys. Bulletin of Marine Science.

    *Greenstein, B.J., J.M. Pandolfi, and H.A. Curran. (In Press). The completeness of the Pleistocene fossil record: Implications for stratigraphic adequacy. In: S.K. Donovan (ed.) The Accuracy of the Fossil Record. Wiley & Son, London.

    Hallock, P. (In Press). Section Evolution and function of coral reefs. In V. Cilek (ed), Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems, UNESCO, EOLSS Publishers Co. Ltd.

    Miller, S.L., S. Gittings, M. Chiappone, B. Causey, D.W. Swanson and A. White. (in press) Changes to benthic cover on a deep coral reef in the Florida Keys. Coral Reefs

    Witting, J. and K. P. Sebens. (In Press). The role of zooplankton capture in six Caribbean scleractinian corals: in situ evidence that heterotrophy enhances.

    Ayoub, L., Hallock, P., Coble, P. 2009. Colored Dissolved Organic Material Increases Resiliency of Coral Reefs by Controlling Exposure to UVR. Proc. 11th International Coral Reef Symposium, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, 7-11 July 2008, 16: 572-576.

    Miller SL, Chiappone M, Rutten LM, Swanson DW. 2009. Population status of Acropora corals in the Florida Keys. Proceedings of the 11th International Coral Reef Symposium, Ft. Lauderdale: 775-779

    Ramirez, A., Daniels, C., Hallock, P. 2009. Applications of the SEDCON and FORAM Indices on patch reefs in Biscayne National Park, FL USA. Proc. 11th International Coral Reef Symposium, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, 7-11 July 2008, 4:77-81.

    Rutten LM, Chiappone M, Swanson DW, Miller SL. 2009. Stony coral species diversity and cover in the Florida Keys using design-based sampling. Proceedings of the 11th International Coral Reef Symposium, Ft. Lauderdale: 800-804

    Carnahan, E.A., A.M. Hoare, P. Hallock, B.H. Lidz, C.D. Reich. 2008. Response of Foraminiferal Assemblages to Pollution Sources in a Subtropical Estuary, Biscayne Bay, Florida, USA. Proc. 5th International EMMM Conference, Chennai, India, February 17 - 25, 2008, pp. 67-71.

    Donahue, S and twenty-seven others. 2008. The State of Coral Reef Ecosystems in the Florida Keys. 2008. pp. 161-187. In: The State of Coral Reef Ecosystems of the United States and Pacific Freely Associated States: Waddell, J.E. and A.M. Clarke (eds.), NOAA Tech Memorandum NOS NCCOS 73. Silver Spring, MD. 569 pp

    Hallock, P. 2008. Using Foraminifers as Bioindicators for Coral Reefs and Other Tropical Coastal Environments: the Potential and the Challenges. Proc. 5th International EMMM Conference, Chennai, India, February 17 - 25, 2008, pp. 110-112.

    *Schrope, M. (2008). “Sleeping with the fishes”. Nature Climate Change, 2: 159-160.

    Hallock, P., D.E. Williams, S.K. Toler, E.M. Fisher, and H.K. Talge. 2006b. Bleaching in reef-dwelling foraminifers: implications for reef decline. Proceedings, 10th International Coral Reef Symposium, Okinawa, Japan, June 2004. pp. 729-737.

    Gil-Agudelo DL, L Ali-Hassan*, K Kim & Garriet W Smith (2006) Characterization of coral surface microbiota using metabolic profiling. Proceedings of the International Coral Reef Symposium 1: 149-152

    Robison, J.D., and M.E. Warner. 2006. Differential impacts of photoacclimation and thermal stress on the photobiology of four phylotypes of symbiotic dinoflagellates. Annual Ocean Sciences-American Society of Limnology and Oceanography meeting, Hawaii.

    Szmant, A.M and M.W. Miller. 2006. Settlement preferences and post-settlement mortality of laboratory cultured and settled larvae of the Caribbean hermatypic corals Montastraea faveolata and Acropora palmata in the Florida Keys, USA . Proc 10th Int Coral Reef Symp. pg. 43-49.

    Szmant, A.M. and M. Meadows. 2006. Developmental changes in coral larval buoyancy and swimming behavior: Implications for dispersal and connectivity. Proc 10th Int Coral Reef Symp. pg. 431- 437.

    Williams, D. E., M. W. Miller, et al. (2006). Demographic monitoring protocols for threatened Caribbean Acropora spp. corals. NOAA Technical Memorandum Miami, FL: 112.

    Robison, J.D., and M.E. Warner. 2005. Dissecting the pathways of thermal and light stress in different symbiotic dinoflagellates. Annual Aquatic Sciences-American Society of Limnology and Oceanography meeting, Utah.

    Warner, M.E., LaJeunesse, T., and J. Robison. 2004. Investigating the physiology of Symbiodinium populations from multiple species of reef corals. 10th International Coral Reef Symposium, Okinawa, Japan.